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Mermaids - Friend or Foe?


Ive read the stories,and to my surprise there are more evil stories about mermaids then there are good stories.So I have a question,Do you think Mermaids are Deceivers or Kind folk from the water?


Lord of Altera
Well, in character I'll always think the best of others, but in Hollowworld, the mermaids are more bad than good. They can be nice, but when they get aggressive, you should just run away.


I think I might like it here
This is just me but the are the swimming sirens deceivers to trick the sailors into going overboard do to the mermaids suductive powers.


Lord of Altera
My character simply believes in survival of the fittest. But when he tried to figure out how he could help save the survivors of the race by combatting what was killing them, they regarded him with ice cold stares. So, he's decided to, you know, help nature out a bit, speed things up, and help them go extinct.


Lord of Altera
Thee mermaids that infest our sea are but a plague that must be dealt with in the harshest of manors. Pirates cannot stand for the cowards that hide under the surf and use powers of seduction against men who would only fall for a woman who knows how to use a sword and not teeth!


King ForumStalker
We may be few in number, but we are powerful, and will easily overrun those bumbling fools you call men of the sea, especially those "pirates".


Lord of Altera
We shall not fall! We are the cutthroats, the marauders, the corsairs who rule the sea! Our strength and wits outmatch those of the fish and cowards we hunt! Beware House Oceana, for you are not the true kings and queens of the sea!


King ForumStalker
You were given land for a reason, two legger... Those wooden craft you call boats will not sustain you on the sea for long...

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Well, merfolk are a kind race as long as you respect their ways, and for god sake give them what they ask for, or they'll make sure you don't have any legs either


Lord of Altera
The mer folk sound like they like bragging, to me. I say take a risk and disobey, disrespect if you're not respected, and magick users don't chuck fire at them, chuck lightning just try not to electrocute yourself.

I would challenge some mer folk to death battles but I got myself stuck in minecraft 1.3.1