Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Milani | Small Thief


Lord of Altera
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Lord of Altera

Character Name: Milani
Race: Makani
Clan: LeiMakani

Age: 10
Height: 4’7
Wingspan: 12’
Weight: 63lbs
Feathers: Reminiscent of an emberlark, her feathers are a mix of iridescent red and orange feathers. They brighten closer to her face and chest, getting darker toward her back.
Eye Color: Amber
Beak: Short and conical, black in color. She keeps it fairly maintained.
Appendages: Milani’s arms and legs shift from an iridescent mix of burnt orange and red to black scales, the same color as her beak.
Unusual Features: Her beak has a small crack in it and she has the occasional feather that refuses to lay flat like the others. Due to her current living situation, she’s a bit malnourished.
Clothing: Milani usually wears a loose tunic, though a bit worn-down, with a sash around her waist and calf-length pants. This is usually accompanied with leather bands with any sort of beads, rocks, and shells that she finds woven in. She also carries a violin case with her, it and the instrument inside in a much better condition than anything else she owns.

Faction: Formerly the Makani and Lei, now she’s on her own.
Alignment/Emotional Tendency: Chaotic Neutral
Languages: Yakai and a decent understanding of “Kayamon” that’s been picked up while on the streets.
Personality: Milani is a bright and curious young Makani. While before she was very energetic and good-natured, that has been tempered by the time living on her own on the streets. She’s grown much more observant and patient, very cautious of those around her. Having taken to doing whatever she needs to survive, she’s willing to lie, cheat, and steal to get what she needs. Her old self still comes out when she’s performing, though now it’s more a mask to trick others.
Superior eyesight
Poor hearing
Has to move her head to look at something
More fragile bones
Unique or Unusual Quirks:
Milani has a habit of collecting small trinkets, be it shiny pebbles or rocks, shells, or beads, and weaving them into the leather cords she wears. This can expand to things like shiny buttons she snatches from people. These usually are very significant to her.
When she speaks, her hands are usually involved to further express her point. This was picked up early on when she was first learning Kayamon.
When her curiosity overrides her wariness, she can end up uncomfortably close to people as she studies them.
When in a new area, Milani tends to perch in the highest parts of it to get the best view of what’s going on.


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Lord of Altera
Claim 2/3
[This'll probably be for relations, if I ever feel like doing them]​
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