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Mining in the Northern Kingdoms


Lord of Westray
Hello folks! There has been a marked increase in players mining and obsidian gathering under towns in the Northern Kingdoms and this should not be happening. If players continue to mine in the NK then action will have to be taken. We have the Sorrows for all your resource gathering needs so please could everyone mine there instead :)

The main reason we don't allow mining in the NK is due to there being no danger whatsoever. No mobs spawn, no chance of pvpers finding you, etc. Also, from the Tome of Citizenship:
you use The Northern Kingdoms for permanent builds, but not for resource gathering.
Thanks in advance for your co-operation.

- Boulder


You'll better hands off my map I made it the first map of Exodus I, generated with using TC by Lars last year.

This is why this map is protected and anti-build, except use noble region to allow you build

I have seen many illegal mining down every towns, this has disappointed me.

You will be punished and being sent to The Sorrows.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
What if it's a RP mine?
For example Zuk'Thar has numerous mines and dungeons underground but it fits the Earthspawn story with them being cave-dwelling alot in the Hollows.


Non sum qualis eram
Mines that are part of the build should be fine.

Of note: The new build world was generated to have absolutely no ores to further discourage this practice.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Wait, so if that means you're building yourself a nice basement under your fortress and you stumble upon a, say, diamond ore... Ok, you want a deep basement... But anyway, does that mean you have to go around the whole ore?


Because..... they are.... scared of... me... That is why..... they are..... cowards..... *laugh*


Lord of Westray
Well it's been a month since this thread was made and people are still mining ores, gathering clay etc. in the Northern Kingdoms.

Please only do your resource gathering in the resource world! Temp-bans will be issued for anyone contravening this rule with harsher actions taken for repeat offenders. Just because we are moving to the new world "soon" does not mean players can ruin the current one...

- Boulder


Lord of Altera
Some times noobs who join towns think they can gather any resources outside of the town's buildings. This is mainly due to none of them reading forum info and guides. Reading the game guide and tome should be better in forced or at least encouraged in game. That way it saves us a lot of stupid survival in a mob free world strictly made for building and RP.