Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Mist's stories


Lord of Altera
Ok, so as you guys now, I'm quite a writer, so this post will contain linls to ALL my fan-fiction stories, such as Delta Horizon..
Delta Horizon
'This isn't a tale about heroes, and glory, but one about war, and what it can make people do horrific things' - Mistaahh Juvenalis
We follow a simple field medic through his fights, wich lead to difficult decisons, and pain..

'I'm not a damn hero, nor would I want to' -Clarke
We follow Clarke's live, after he dies..

The bonewarrior

Tales of an Ark hunter


Lord of Altera
Yay! Updates!
Nay! Deletes!
Meh..I'm thinking of two different titles, two different stories for one same bigger story..
With the ideas had for balance..

I just need to come up with two titles..
Thinking of:
Mistaahh's story: The bonewarrior
Alistair's story: The maker's sentinel


Lord of Altera
Meh..I'm thinking of two different titles, two different stories for one same bigger story..
With the ideas had for balance..

I just need to come up with two titles..
Thinking of:
Mistaahh's story: The bonewarrior
Alistair's story: The maker's sentinel


Lord of Altera
Just leaving this here..