Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Be sure to "Get Whitelisted" to join the community on server!

-Mpb0987654321 [Approved - cherrysparx777]



1) What is your MINECRAFT username?

This is the name you use to sign in on Please make sure this is your own account, account sharing can cause complications with griefing so is now prohibited in Hollowworld.

My username is mpb0987654321 but I’m also called mpb andmike

2) How old are you?

Please note that the minimum age to take part on the server is 13. Due to the era of the role play there are some more mature themes which may not be suitable for anyone younger. We can't be held responsible should you choose to lie about your age.

I just had my birth day not to long ago making me 18

3) Where are you?

Hollowworld is an English speaking server. People from around the world are more than welcome to join us and take part provided that they do their best to use a good standard of written English both in game and on the forums.

I live in Florida in fact this was recommended to me by a friend

5) Introduce yourself!

This section is really important for both your application and your Hollowworld experience. We hope that by telling us about yourself now we'll get to know you better and we look forward to learning more about you while you're with us.

Again, we're not asking for any personal information that you don't want us to know. If you don't want to use your real name, that's fine and we're certainly not going to hunt you down for your bank details.

Some examples of things to tell us:
> about your education/work
> hobbies and other games you play

Talking about yourself isn't always easy and we understand that. We would like this section to be a minimum of 5 sentences but if you want to talk for longer then please go ahead! If you get stuck, don't worry. Send a PM to a staff member on the forums and we'll do our best to help as soon as we can.

Hello my name is Michael but everyone just calls me mike I very much enjoy playing on large servers such as this one and the role playing sounded interesting I do however have a lot that I do day to day so I might not be present frequently but I try to hold down my commitments.

6) Got any examples of your work?

Are you a builder? Are you an artist? Do you love to write? If you have a talent then we'd love to see it. Please use the "upload a file" button or provide us with a link to your work so we can take a look.
This is an optional section, if you don't have anything to show us then don't panic!

Everyone is good at different things and we hope we can encourage you to create new things and find new skills while you're with us. We are not a creative server, there's no penalty if you don't want to build. However, Hollowworld is always looking for good builders to help with on-going projects and add their own ideas to our growing community.

Yes I am a Redstoner and an engineer outside of that I also use blender and create images and work on animations every now and then.

I am also part of Two crafter graphic design on planet minecraft!

About your character


Character's name here! Nice and simple. If they go under multiple aliases, let us know.

Engineer mike plain and simple


Character's age here! This can be an approximate age if you're not entirely sure.

Due to dimensional errors I’m older than your universe but the wear on my body is low about 28 years of age


Hollowworld has a list of approved species that you can learn about on theCore races synopsisif you haven’t already done so. Playing as a Nakam character is a privilege only for our seasoned players. At this time, they are not available to new players.

I was not entirely sure if these races are required I’m one of the remaining enderman before are dimensions intersected and destroyed are genes.


What does your character look like? If you have a picture or skin of your character post it here. If not, we'd like a brief description of the design you have in mind.

PLEASE NOTE that some features are exclusive to races or character traits. Your application may need reviewing should our staff feel that details not fit with the existing lore. Ignoring these suggested changes will result in your application being declined.

Again I explained above not sure how strict this is


The test

“how old am I” you ask well in your time older than the earliest glimmer of light but where I come from I’m not too up there in fact I’m just happy to be living. Sad thought what is left of my spices is twisted and foul remnants, ghost, and echoes my world was beautiful obsidian pillars held us the very sky it was a world of Pease and love, then war. Unable to say are spices name in your lang. we were what now are Endermen are race broke an agreement with our brothers. In the war horrible things were done on both sides the Endermen developed fading genetic Presence to allow natural teleportation but on the other side radiation and genetic weapons formed a race killed by water. The war lasted till the main scientist on both sides defected ran away and built a weapon capable of ripping are dimension in half and demanded peace well more than one thing messed up and the device was activated.

I’m not sure if my world is still out there of if it would even be worth going to as the divice was destroying are home Endermen used are teleportive powers to flee that’s what destroyed the other endermen I survived but the path way cost me my ability to teleport. (the organ in the endermans body actual crystalizes after death resulting in ender pearls).


thanks I did not really know how strict it was going to be. I also had a question on whether or not one was allowed to have a job?



1) What is your MINECRAFT username?

This is the name you use to sign in on Please make sure this is your own account, account sharing can cause complications with griefing so is now prohibited in Hollowworld.

My username is mpb0987654321 but I’m also called mpb and mike

2) How old are you?

Please note that the minimum age to take part on the server is 13. Due to the era of the role play there are some more mature themes which may not be suitable for anyone younger. We can't be held responsible should you choose to lie about your age.

I just had my birth day not to long ago making me 18

3) Where are you?

Hollowworld is an English speaking server. People from around the world are more than welcome to join us and take part provided that they do their best to use a good standard of written English both in game and on the forums.

I live in Florida in fact this was recommended to me by a friend

5) Introduce yourself!

This section is really important for both your application and your Hollowworld experience. We hope that by telling us about yourself now we'll get to know you better and we look forward to learning more about you while you're with us.

Again, we're not asking for any personal information that you don't want us to know. If you don't want to use your real name, that's fine and we're certainly not going to hunt you down for your bank details.

Some examples of things to tell us:
> about your education/work
> hobbies and other games you play

Talking about yourself isn't always easy and we understand that. We would like this section to be a minimum of 5 sentences but if you want to talk for longer then please go ahead! If you get stuck, don't worry. Send a PM to a staff member on the forums and we'll do our best to help as soon as we can.

Hello my name is Michael but everyone just calls me mike I very much enjoy playing on large servers such as this one and the role playing sounded interesting I do however have a lot that I do day to day so I might not be present frequently but I try to hold down my commitments. J

6) Got any examples of your work?

Are you a builder? Are you an artist? Do you love to write? If you have a talent then we'd love to see it. Please use the "upload a file" button or provide us with a link to your work so we can take a look.
This is an optional section, if you don't have anything to show us then don't panic!

Everyone is good at different things and we hope we can encourage you to create new things and find new skills while you're with us. We are not a creative server, there's no penalty if you don't want to build. However, Hollowworld is always looking for good builders to help with on-going projects and add their own ideas to our growing community.

Yes I am a Redstoner and an engineer outside of that I also use blender and create images and work on animations every now and then.

I am also part of Two crafter graphic design on planet minecraft!

About your character


Character's name here! Nice and simple. If they go under multiple aliases, let us know.

Engineer mike plain and simple


Character's age here! This can be an approximate age if you're not entirely sure.

28 years of age


Hollowworld has a list of approved species that you can learn about on theCore races synopsisif you haven’t already done so. Playing as a Nakam character is a privilege only for our seasoned players. At this time, they are not available to new players.



What does your character look like? If you have a picture or skin of your character post it here. If not, we'd like a brief description of the design you have in mind.

PLEASE NOTE that some features are exclusive to races or character traits. Your application may need reviewing should our staff feel that details not fit with the existing lore. Ignoring these suggested changes will result in your application being declined.


The test

A talk with the land loaner

The only real way to the top is to ride an elevator there and if you don’t have one or have never heard the word used in your language don’t fret my name is engineer mike and I’m at your service.

I’m a traveler well I was a traveler but the years wear you out fast when you’re a mechanic so I’m here in your town hoping the set up shop as a master crafter.

No need to be worried I’m a community man I mean how could a man not be your community is the people who know all about you and they recommend shop to one another.

So what do ya say no about me setting up shop I think I’d like the lot of land just outside the village yes the one next to the river why so I could build a water wheel

Building the house

Perfect just Perfect I know the design modifications would be more prominent

And I get a spare flat to do my redstone work on perfect

Hopefully I will be done in a few days sleeping in that tent is starting to kill me

Oh that reminds me I have to make flyers about the new shop coming to town

But what should I call it … I don’t know umm ummmmmmm

How about sticky piston crafting mechanical goods oh I love the sound of it

Now I guess back to work oh darn I’m out of concrete if this continues I’m going to get a murmur due to the anxiety.

The Draft

I have no idea what you’re talking about sir I’m not signed up for any Draft Well ok I’ll be there soon thanks bye

I’m not going to be drafted I don’t Care what that man says I’ll take my donkey and leave yes just leave how does that sound pretty good if I might say so myself

Fleeing the City

I’ve lived here since I was 14 my home the small village changed by time into a steaming city and I long the main road owner of Stick Industry have to flee a draft shameful

This city will burn my fair donkey but we will live we will move on to a better town, city, village if we have to lets go just remember no one will survive this war.

A Dyeing friend

Get up my donkey I can see the lights of a city we made it

Please get up my friend


Ok sleep well my friend in eternal slumber may the gods be good to my loyal donkey.


1) What is your MINECRAFT username?

This is the name you use to sign in on Please make sure this is your own account, account sharing can cause complications with griefing so is now prohibited in Hollowworld.

My username is mpb0987654321 but I’m also called mpb and mike

2) How old are you?

Please note that the minimum age to take part on the server is 13. Due to the era of the role play there are some more mature themes which may not be suitable for anyone younger. We can't be held responsible should you choose to lie about your age.

I just had my birth day not to long ago making me 18

3) Where are you?

Hollowworld is an English speaking server. People from around the world are more than welcome to join us and take part provided that they do their best to use a good standard of written English both in game and on the forums.

I live in Florida in fact this was recommended to me by a friend

5) Introduce yourself!

This section is really important for both your application and your Hollowworld experience. We hope that by telling us about yourself now we'll get to know you better and we look forward to learning more about you while you're with us.

Again, we're not asking for any personal information that you don't want us to know. If you don't want to use your real name, that's fine and we're certainly not going to hunt you down for your bank details.

Some examples of things to tell us:
> about your education/work
> hobbies and other games you play

Talking about yourself isn't always easy and we understand that. We would like this section to be a minimum of 5 sentences but if you want to talk for longer then please go ahead! If you get stuck, don't worry. Send a PM to a staff member on the forums and we'll do our best to help as soon as we can.

Hello my name is Michael but everyone just calls me mike I very much enjoy playing on large servers such as this one and the role playing sounded interesting I do however have a lot that I do day to day so I might not be present frequently but I try to hold down my commitments, along with scouting I am in band at high school and am trying to get a career in engineering and more so a Nano engineer. I’m currently in digital electronics and proficient at both redstone and minecart logic and hope to be able to use these skills.

6) Got any examples of your work?

Are you a builder? Are you an artist? Do you love to write? If you have a talent then we'd love to see it. Please use the "upload a file" button or provide us with a link to your work so we can take a look.
This is an optional section, if you don't have anything to show us then don't panic!

Everyone is good at different things and we hope we can encourage you to create new things and find new skills while you're with us. We are not a creative server, there's no penalty if you don't want to build. However, Hollowworld is always looking for good builders to help with on-going projects and add their own ideas to our growing community.

Yes I am a Redstoner and an engineer outside of that I also use blender and create images and work on animations every now and then.

I am also part of Two crafter graphic design on planet minecraft!

About your character


Character's name here! Nice and simple. If they go under multiple aliases, let us know.

Engineer mike plain and simple


Character's age here! This can be an approximate age if you're not entirely sure.

28 years of age


Hollowworld has a list of approved species that you can learn about on theCore races synopsisif you haven’t already done so. Playing as a Nakam character is a privilege only for our seasoned players. At this time, they are not available to new players.



What does your character look like? If you have a picture or skin of your character post it here. If not, we'd like a brief description of the design you have in mind.

PLEASE NOTE that some features are exclusive to races or character traits. Your application may need reviewing should our staff feel that details not fit with the existing lore. Ignoring these suggested changes will result in your application being declined.

the appearance of my character is the lowest Warrior favoring a bow and not being good at hand to hand combat has lead him to make a moss robe to help him hide and wait for a a sneak attack of his foe living in the deep caverns has led to a lighter completion on his face and the dark robe to stay warm

The test

“well today I finished it you know the project I’ve been working on yes you do you’re a good dog” Today was a great day I finished working on the dispenser it’s a device to fire arrows. There is still work that’s needs done on the device but it works and that’s good day to me. I walk down the hallway from the living room to the kitchen, there was some pork was cooked and salted. A fine meal in perhaps I could taste it, oh well time for bed “good night Grover” I called to my faithful dog “sleep well.” I tried to sleep but in the middle of the night I awoke to the sound of growler barking at the window then it broke faster than I could think my body thought itself against the wall only thought moving thought the dark I searched for my weapon chest. You know my luck I stubbed my toe on the chest looking around in the dark I jumped back and yelled at the chest in the dark “ahh” then it hit me the dog had stoped barking and I heard footsteps down the hall coming this way I dig in the the wepon chest in dead silence grabbing a sword for my back and with a bow drawn in hand standing in the dark waiting for the only noise I want to hear is the click of the pressu…. “Click” the release of the bow was reactionary and so was the reload the body hit the floor in the dark. A long wait of dead silence the only event was the dog growling at the broken window. I walked the living room lighting every candle on the way to the living room no more intruders I returned to the bedroom looking at the body a zombie a very old one how did it get into the city and more or less my closed quiet house I peek out the window the sight was horrible the zombies filled the street and the city was burning! I had to get out I ran into the bedroom grabbed a backpack all my nonperishable food some tools and Grover snuck out the back door we need to get out of the city I don’t know the way to the next town but there is no time I left with Grover and left the house to the dead.
Last edited:


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Okay, it's looking nice so far!

But, do you think we could see an actual description of your character's appearance? Remember to look at the lore for the race you've chosen!

Also, we'd appreciate if you could try to punctuate your sentences, as without proper grammar it can make it difficult to read for us to assess.

Thanks very much!


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
No, I'm afraid not. You can use the "Upload a file" button to add images when you post, although in this case we would rather see a written interpretation too. :)

Also, rather than making a new post each time, you can go back and edit posts using the (you guessed it) "edit" button underneath it.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff

I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our Tome of Citizenship. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question ingame.

You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.(very useful, by the way.)

Altera survival guide
Tome of Citizenship
How to create your character profile
How to find a town
Server Rules
How to use titles
Rules for Roleplay
How to use the forum
Hollow World Texture pack
The Players' Handbook
The Role-Play Character Assistance Team(RP-CAT)

Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points. It's very important. As a new player, once you play you may be tempted to "test" out an x-ray mod... don't do it! We have a zero tolerance policy for it.
1) We have active members of staff monitoring players suspected of using X-RAY. We have extensive logging capabilities which also highlight to us when X-RAY is suspected. Anyone caught using X-RAY mods or Transparent Texture Packs will be permanently banned without appeal.
2) Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.


I'm sorry about using this to ask for help but i cant join the hexxit server it says that I'm missing or have miss matched item numbers 7652 7653 7626 from the server? this is confusing me pls help


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
I'm afraid I'm not certain in regard to technical support, but if you make a thread here: Click
I'm sure someone will be able to help. :)