Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Mushroom the orc


Name: Unkown
Nickname/Alias: Mushroom
Age: 97
Gender: Male
Race: Earthspawn (formally known as Orcs)
Height: just above 6.4 feet
Weight: 215 pounds
Hair: none
Eyes: one eye is ocean blue, the other is misty grey from a battle wound.
Skin: a light mossy colour
Identifying Marks: misty eye
Appearance: His slightly insane mind make him think wierd stuff, like feathers a lucky.
Strengths: likes to make potions and just overall string
Weaknesses and fears: Nightmares
Religion and cults: Dont think so :/
Profession:potions making

Story: The slow and rumbling earth spawn (orc) drooled just before he rolled of the side of his sleeping rock, hitting his head he rose slowly rubbing his cranium....then went back to sleep.He awoke the second time to hear cracks and roar's as earth spawn and the local humans battled in a crowed of rage.Pellets from flintlocks whizzed and swooshed, cry's of a petrified farm boys (who only volunteered to hunt the small village of earth spawn) as what they came to hunt lumbered over them.He stumbled out side his rock hut and witnessed the blood shed, confused and startled he slowly edged away and began to run into the tree's. He ran and ran until he could hear no more, he didn't want to return to see who had been defeated.He slowed down his momentum and reached a small grotto to rest in.His mind was clear as it could be.Empty.He couldn't remember anything,not a thought,a memory a name ...not even his own.A slight sound was heard from the above the rocky formation, light footsteps of a human.He jerked his head quickly in the direction of the sound and heard two voices a middle aged man a young girl." Which one's do we pick father?" the small girl said daintily," the brown mushrooms dearest" said the deeper voice of the father. He could not see the two humans, and they could not see him.Only one word the earth spawn seemed to hear... "mushroom"?. His dull brain decided that was a suitable name to go by, the light footsteps pattered further and further away, he rose from the mossy grotto and started to travel.Not knowing where to go, he still knew he would find somewhere to call home eventually.


Lord of Altera
Make the story a little larger, and 215 stone is WAY to heavy, 17 stone is appropriate, thats around 200-250 pounds. Otherwise nice story.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
The hight. Earthspawn are 6-7 ft high you are 5 , try make yourself bigger man! We arnt the really small munkin warhammer orcs we are a mix of LOTR/WOW/TES so where tall , musicily and strong, otherwise good!