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My Appeal

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Lord of Altera
So I been banned for black magic first had no clue what is meant dead told me what it meant then I went “oooooooh” I can understand but I don’t do it I am a truthful person that why I will say this when I get a phone call to my home phone number it messes up my internet and will crash it most of the time or kick me out of what I do but when it happens it messes with my render and I can see through the ground for at least 5 seconds and royo told me that can be considered x-ray so of course I go snap crackle pop I did not know and which I am sorry for but I do have a bad habit of digging like an ant got it from single player phone on purpose to do so because of the loud ringing sound next to my head is the phone please accept me back for surely I will look up when I crash form a phone call and not look at the ground watching the beautiful ore at my feet so i am very sorry my my mistake and i don't even would know where to go for a other server and i do want in again and will take anything for me to get in again there fore i will be getting new internet just hope you can see that i did not mean to


Loyal Servant of Altera
someone even told u its consider x-raying. but u still did it? did u every think that seeing ore cuz of slower computer not consider cheating? yes i can see u say it cant be help but it didnt force u to remmber where the ore was and dig stright to it. u did that all on ur own. sorry if this is over board. just delete this post if im over stepping my bounds.


Lord of Altera
Lonefighter has a point, you were warned before and there was this same issue with Kitz before as well. It was confirmed that this kind of thing is considered the same as xray.


Lord of Altera
no no i was not warned i came back from a 4 day camping trip and then i looked and was banned adn then royo told me it was considered as it i never knew till i just learned today LONE learn to read correctly just a ps


Lord of Altera
almost forgot lone you know nothing about me i have a photographic memory it is easy for me to find where it is and estimate how deep it is and which postion it will be from me how do you think when i die i get my stuff back


Lord of Altera
Still, it doesn't matter. Maybe you can appeal in a month or so (I think it was 3 months)

You don't seem that sorry for doing what you did, it is considered a form of xray, so sorry. I wont unban you.


Lord of Altera
i can understand but if you heard me i am sorry but i know i am not as sorry as 100% i am sorry as 80% for to me it is a game and then thank you sally for your hosbility adn etc. but it my first affience but you still can say it is just me


Lord of Altera
Iron has been on this server since I started here, I know if he has done something wrong he will learn from it.He is a great player I would think he should get another chance, he did it once (not saying that is good or not) its not like he did it to every ore he saw. Still once isn't acceptable and this is his first ban. I think we should all see this as a learning experience for him...

At least he was somewhat truthful.
[I'm talking to him on Team-speak.]
Overall Iron saw the ores and still went after them, a "photographic memory" is not a legitimate reason for this and he is actually hurting himself by saying that. This is up to the kings, but I think he should be forgiven.
Or at least giving a temp ban for like a day or something not very harsh would be acceptable.


Lord of Altera
never expected all that from you alec and so thank you for if it was like a temp ban i will accepet atleast a 2 month ban or maybe 3 but here it is my first time beening ban look at alec ban so many times but still here and he got a time where hee had his last chance but still here there is lots of people in the sever who did this atleast 5 times or over and over to me i think this is based maybe on how much the admins like me and etc. but again i had no warning (lone is wrong had no warning before it happened it was after iw as banned when royo told me it is considered x-ray) but i can see how "oh you where not forced to do it but you did it" but really ispawned looking at the ground who wouldn't BUT sally if you read this but i still can say samething goes for blarg but still on my i know it is not right but still in this case x-ray is big but i cna look at all the rest of the posts and most of them would be over shooting mine but how peopel take it of i told the truth yes BECAUSE it is the right thing to do here what if i lied and etc. would made everything worst but you might of said if you told the truth you would be unbanned well i told the truth and nothing came out of good from good


Carolus Rex
If he is telling the truth and he is well and truly sorry for what he did then he should be only temp banned for at least 2 weeks, he did take advantage of block lag but it is his first time offence and being on TS with him he is really sorry for what he did, in my eyes i think he should get one more chance


The original mute
LONE learn to read correctly just a ps
I do t normally post on unbanked appeals, but I had to on this occasion. This type of attitude is lowering your chances of getting back in. Also I can see how people got confused with your appeal, it seemed to jump around. So before telling someone to learn to read, next time make sure you can write chronologically. Also, while I can't do anything about it, if I was a moderator or higher I would vote same as james. If a mod or admin feels this isn't right for an unban appeal please remove it and message me saying.


<3 Hollow World
Whether or not it's considered X-ray it does go against the whole spirit of the game and to a certain extent takes the fun out of the game. The thing I've always loved the most about Minecraft was that you just never knew what waited around the corner, what you'd find next as you chip away at the block on front of you and whether you'll make it out alive!

I do sympathise with the OP, but the admins do consider this X-ray so you have to be extra careful.


Lord of Altera
guys we consider xraying to be a way in which you locate ores in an unfair manner.
whether it be by world holes or glitches or anyother form of glitch hack mod texture pack, if this happens to you dont look and if you already saw diamond ore just below you dont mine it!


Lord of Altera
yes bubbles i will be doing that for now,and halfmad i know it takes the spirit away from the game i was talking with people on TS and one person understand what i been trying to say it was a accideient in a way for i know i did bad but before i did not know it was considered x-raying and matyio i think you should reread for really all you typed went out the other eyeball and there is no additude from typing if you heard me in TS you would hear me beening pretty chill for i know my chances are slim cause i told the truth like a good person should and it can be confusing for someone who does not know the story like me and others but thank you for your hosbiality of agreeing with james,and halfmad i know that is what minecraft is about whati s next what is the next block and i am going to be extra careful and be accidient prone to this if i get back in and again i am sorry for this mistake and for cubey is right for it is a big enemy and am deeply sorry for falling to this and doing so


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. I got him to explain what he has written and I think he is sorry about this.

I would give a tempory ban as a lesson but as a final chance.


Lord of Altera
Hahaha I just noticed your forum title Roopot xD that is awesome. /off topic

Anyway I suppose since he has learnt that this isn't allowed, he could be let off with a temp ban. Unfortunately his chests were destroyed because that's what happens to glitch or real xrayers.

How long should the temp ban be?


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
I would happy to give him a couple of weeks. Long enough to be safe but it isnt too long.
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