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My ban appeal and apology [Resolved]


Lord of Altera
Hello HollowWorld.

As you are aware, I was banned not to long ago for an incident I partook in regarding an.. issue. With another server. I said things that were very immature, rude, and generally just downright mean to this community. I felt regret soon after what I said, and while this does not excuse my words in the slightest, I would like to make it known I honestly did feel bad, and I continue to. I just followed friends without thinking or getting the whole story, which was very wrong of me.

Still, I feel lonely, I made allot of friends on this server, and in a sense a small home. I ask for a second chance, to be friends again, to hopefully someday be able to trust again and be apart of your community again. I truly, honestly am sincerely sorry in more words than I can explain. I am very fully aware that in the chance you do allow me a second chance, I would not be off the hook completely by a long shot and that I would have allot of suspicions on me, I only ask deeply for the chance to prove I can change and be apart of your server again, thank you for reading.

- TinyBlueBerry / Lillinette


Lord of Altera
I'm sorry I took so long to reply.

Well, I've said it plenty of times, but I'm never a fan of grudges. I'm glad you've apologized for your actions and want to come back.

Um, I do know that your house in riddleport was sold, but your items were kept safe. So I hope you'll be able to get another house and I'll gladly move the chests for yah.

Welcome back Tiny :D


Lord of Altera
I know I was asked to change the sign on your shared house in HR because you were banned.
I didn't remove you from the region though, so the farmhouse on main island is still yours as well as the farm and the curse has also been removed from the game again.

Deleted member 12912

If this is resolved, should I move it to the archives?


Lord of Altera
yeppers- kinda forgot to move it, I always leave ban appeals open for a short time to make sure unbanning them worked xD

Deleted member 12912

yeppers- kinda forgot to move it, I always leave ban appeals open for a short time to make sure unbanning them worked xD
No worries, just trying to clean some of these things up, so the staff can identify which appeals are new and unresolved. :D