Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Names and RP


Lord of Altera
not sure if this is where it should go but oh well.

I would like to talk about RP'ing and The names above people's heads:

Ok so if you RP'ing with someone you should not just call them by their name because you shouldnt be able to know until they tell you.

not sure if what i said was clear but to clarify. When RP'ing please ignore the sign above their head with their name on it :p. OK?


Lord of Altera
Yes, this is going to be a rule in the future. Take a look at this. Also there will most likely be nametag plugins installed which allows kings and queens to change the nicknames of players to realistic roleplaying names. Knowing someone's name when you've never met him before is what we call metagaming in 'internet language'.

OPF said:
To start with, there's metagaming. Some people might have heard of it, others haven't. You might not realize it, but this term is used frequently on a lot of roleplaying communities. Metagaming is using OOC knowledge, IC'ly. For example, what I see many people do is /msg'ing people ingame, asking them for a town to live in, but actually this is wrong and unrealistic and ruins the roleplay spirit. /msg is not and cannot be IC chat. It's not something you can 'do' IC'ly. In real life you cannot 'message' someone either without a device whatsoever, you cannot contact him in a telepathic way, asking him several stuff etcetera. It's just not realistic and not possible, and that's why using /msg should be voided, only if there are OOC issues. It's also possible to metagame names, that's what I see a lot of people do. Knowing someone's name IC'ly but you never saw him before. So basically just reading his name and using it IC'ly. You don't just know someone's name when you see him for the first time. You only know his name if he told you that or you found this out in an IC manner by roleplaying your way to it. (Perhaps somebody told you his name IC'ly, or something like that). If not, then this is considered metagaming.
Is most likely a rule which is going to be implemented and official shortly.


Grand Lizard
Some people however you should know the names of, prominent people like kings and kings hands. They would of been described to you even if you have never met them. Plus theres the fact they look all kingly and shiz.


King of Quests
'they look all kingly and shiz'
Beautifully put kaies :p
But there are plausible rp reasons for knowing someone's name, like 'someone suggested i seek out atkrye once i arrived at the new world.'


Lord of Altera
of course i understand hearing a name from somewhere else but people seem to be calling me mrbubbles when i am in rp (they know that i am rp'ing by the way :p)


Lord of Altera
Yes, and your nickname should not be your roleplay name in the first place in my opinion, because some names are not even appropriate to use as roleplay names, like mister bubbles. Officer PoopFace is out of the question ofcourse.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I use "bloodwyvern" but that's because it's the translation of his ridiculous tribal given name, and he hates all the annoying questions about his past, so just goes with a ridiculous translated name.


I laughed SO hard when Officer PoopFace said:
Officer PoopFace is out of the question of course.
And, anyway, my roleplaying name is Gar, so my name is sorta easy to remember. (I'll come up with a nickname or something later, I'm really busy right now.)

EDIT: I just thought about an attack: Guard: "Officer PoopFace! There's been an attack!" Officer: "I thought I told you not to call me that!" Guard: "Oh, well... umm... let's see... hrm..."
*guard and officer poopface get slaughtered*


Lord of Altera
I think that RP plugin would be nice maybe it could switch your name to your RP name when you switch to the rp channel...
anyway i doubt youd find something to work that way unless we make one ouselves :(