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Naming your ship.

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Our new port plugin (Ports) has a feature I'd like to make use of, the ability to name your vessel.


Mayors, assistants, or anyone that knows what your ship/airship is called,
Please post the name of your town, type of transport, and name of transport in this thread.

Name of town: Pretty simple, which town is the boat/airship to?

Type of transport: Things like "Boat", "Ship" or "Airship". (I will also allow the use of standard boat classes, such as "Galleon", "Frigate", "Longboat", anything along those lines. Nothing too long/rediculous please).

Here are a couple of lists of ship types;
I'd say nothing much more obscure than a Fluyt or Corvette though.

Name of transport: What's she called?

For example, Name of town: Brustenburg
Type of transport: Ship​
Name of transport: The Ladybug​


Name of town:
Type of transport:
Name of transport:

I'll also take this opportunity to let you alert us of any ports we may have missed (there's bound to be a few), PM me with the town the ship is from (and it's type and name if you know it).


Lord of Altera
Name of town: Protaras
Type of transport: Dreadnought(decided to change for some's a type of large battleship on the first link.)

Name of transport: The Dread Naught Sorry to change it Fency.... It seemed a whole lot cooler!


Lord of Altera
Name of town: Shipwreck Cove.
Type of transport: Pirate Ship.
Name of transport: The Devastator.

I'd like a bit more diversity and depth to the boats in the docks (at least for the bigger towns), how about Battleship or Frigate?


Grand Architect
Name of town: Heavens reach
Type of transport: Sea Vessel
Name of transport: Farsight


Fencible: I want more variety besides just Ship.
Next three persons: Sea Vessel.

Made me laugh :D


Real life redstone crafter
I know this is probably off topic or wouldn't be accepted and should be deleted. But here goes:

Name of town: Karuk-Thol
Type of transport: Flying beer keg beer keg
Name of transport: The Drunken Dwarf

Welcome! Please take this ticket and wait for the beer keg "The Drunken Dwarf" to depart.
This beer keg "The Drunken Dwarf" will depart in ...

Edited with Lars's remark


The two messages on the port are: Please take this ticket and wait for the your message here to repart.
And: This the same message here.

Notice it first says 'the' and then it says 'this'. We have to write a message that will make sense in both scentences. That's why it has to say something like: ship the "Ladybug". or frigate "The Beerkeg" or Boat "The Sunken" so it will make sense in both messages. It's a bit restrictive, but unfortunately that's what we have to work with, we are bound by what the plugin guys provide us with.


Lord of Altera
Name of town: Cubeydoomia
Type of transport: Raft
Name of transport: The Raft Havent made the ship Raft yet but will soon
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