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[Nationstates]Rants, Empires, Colonies, Cultures


Lord of Altera
I'm on my phone, so I can't quote, but in reference to the African nation not colonized by Europe, I believe that nation was colonized by the USA, which is technically not a European nation.

In reference to the tropics zone as outlined above, our NationStates Altera actually is not exactly like Earth.

For most purposes, nothing is affected, but I purposefully increased the proportion of ice covering the poles when making the map. Consequentially, the percentage of the map classified as "tropical", as determined by which type of tree icon is depicted in an area, is lower than it was on the previous map. This, of course, implies that skin tones, on the whole, would be paler across the map in our Altera when compared to Earth.

Take that little tidbit as you will, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Lastly, Zanala would not have been part of a "Tarcheyan Empire". The territories around Zanala, including Zanala itself, are a collection of city-states, very much like Ancient Greece. Zanala's history is on a different part of the continent, a part Tarcheya would likely have no reason or desire to conquer when considering the effort required to pacify a population of independent, squabbling, arrogant city-states.
well SOMEBODY was telling lies.

and thank you for the input.


Lord of Altera
I'm on my phone, so I can't quote, but in reference to the African nation not colonized by Europe, I believe that nation was colonized by the USA, which is technically not a European nation.
It was formed by the US in an idea that in short was a country made to send the blacks back "home" to africa. It never worked because at the point of Monroe's presidency they had been living in america for generations and few had even seen africa not to mention no one really wanted to go back to africa. Note that its name is Liberia (Liberty) and its capital is Monrovia (Named after President Monroe).


Lord of Altera
I said that the Tarcheyan empire, at it's height in 1232 AD, reached all the way to Zanala, not that Zanala was part of it.