Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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New generations I guess.....?


Carpet Monkey
I must say, i am a bit sad. There is so much imagination here, so deep storys but only two posts regarding books. I mean there is even a whole section called "Books" and still....

I don't know if i am just turning old but do you guys realy don't read that much? Everything out of the TV or games and such? That would be realy sad. I have my own collection of about 300 books right behind me the seccond i write this and most of them are fantasy. I hope you guys are just shy about being readers ;)

Anyway i think i should start to present my collection here bit by bit, as i come from the unknown age when books where still made of paper...not those digital things...realy, true story


Carpet Monkey
Well i belive there are many other girlys around who would want to share ;) And there is nothing bad about a book being girly, if it isn't your stile then don't read it ;)

i for myself prefer more.....mature fantasy by now^^ black and white is boring and without a bit of spilled blood it isn't real :D


^ Have you read the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, Menelmacil?


Carpet Monkey
I started it, but i stoped around the 8th book i think.

the epilouge was great, i realy liked that book and the first trilogie was still good, but it started to realy annoy me that he used the same backgroundstory over and over again. Evil comes, hero needs to be found among the simple folk as he is the decendant of the heros before him, he strugles through a journy to get his item of power and to build up resolve to actualy do his fated duty as hero and then he slays the evil...oh but not for ever cause he struggles a last time while doing the final stroke so a pice of evil gets away and then lurks around for 100 years before geting around again. well and if he actually slays the evil (or the rebirth of the evil needs an unpredicted 200 years instead of 100 years) there will be another evil. but thats ok cause this truly amazing sword has a master license against all kind of evil, not just that one that always comes back.

maybe he changed that after the third trilogie and i should have had the patience with him but i was so annyoed i couldn't read on :D having about 20 more books infront of me of the same storry still repeating was too cruel a future :D and i only started to read fantasy at that point so there was so much still to read....joyous days :D

but i think i have to mention that i just had finished Lord of the Rings as my very first fantasy books so mayyybeeee i was a bit too picky at that point.^^ Cause both of them move in the same field of the fantasy genre. I needed something realy different written cause too much similarity will only lead to the books defeat not being able to live in LotR's shadows ;)


Lord of Altera
I'm an aviiid reader of books, but I haaate posting topics, just as I have no idea what to write...
I personally read the fantasy and sci-fi genres; however I recently saw the film Cloud Atlas and am beginning to read into that genre of books. I also enjoy a good mystery as well and I'll even go for horror as well. I'm not that fussy I thin.
Stopped reading as much lately as I don't know what material to get my hands on, though that Waterstones down the road is looking goood...
Cudgels, I think I blathered then :p


Lord of Altera
Ive ben reading english books since i was 9 ( and thats pretty unusual for a norwegian kid ) and i still do, my favorite series so far have ben The darren shan saga, harry potter, lord of the rings/the hobbit, twilight ( mock all you like t'is a good story)
And of course A song of ice and fire :p


Retired Staff
If anybody wants a pretty decent serie, I recommend the Malazan Books of the Fallen. (11 books)

Another epic serie is the Kingkiller Chronicles, those are just awesome to read.


Lord of Altera
Sad to say, i think every book series will be a dissapointment after reading A song of ice and fire... Others take you martin and may the crows feast upon your flesh!


Carpet Monkey
if you realy think so than you must be either naive or new to books ;) cause that could just be the case if you think that every author writes in the same style and about the same, or you haven't read that much.

each book i read forged my taste for them more. today i just have to read the back and to sample pages within to know 100% if i like it or not. and should i tell you a secret? they aren't worse then lord of the rings. they are different. sure every book that trys to sell the same storry written in the same style wouldn't be read by me but man, books are only limited to the human fantasy and boy, that is huge =0

so stop thinking like that, will only make you and the people around you depressive. let a good story go when it ended and don't long for it eternaly. if you grief about it, then it was no good book!


Lord of Altera
Yeah you've got loads of good points there, but for an example while i was into the third book i think of a song of ice and fire i decided to take a break and started reading the second book of the Eragon series, it just.. disappointed me somehow, the way it was written simply did not satisfy me the same way Martin writes. But naturaly i agree that there will always be good books out there :p ( and my previous comment was also kind of an exagurated praise for George Martin xD )


Loyal Servant of Altera
I really love to read. For me, the best books are paperbacks, and then the once that look like they've been carried around for sometime, with folds in the back and the corners a bit folded. (Note, this is how most of my books look because I carry them with me in my bag, with my other stuff to college and everywhere I go).
At the moment I'm reading the fourth book of the Wheel of Time series, The Shadow Rising. This series has 14 books and a prologue, so I've some reading work to do. (These books did not disappoint me after a Song of Ice and Fire).
I've read a lot of other books, like A Song of Ice and Fire, but I got stuck in the fourth book, don't know why, but that sometimes happens to me. I might pick that one up again after I've finished the Shadow Rising.
I also read all the books (except the newest) of Raymond Feist about Midkemia, but the last books started to be repetitive.. that's a shame, cause the first were really fun, especially Magician, his first book.
Another series I enjoyed was "Memory, Sorrow and Thorn" of Tad Williams, it's a trilogy, but the last book is split in two parts. I've read 3 of the four books now.
I think I was too young when I read Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, so I need to read them again. But I read the whole Silmarillion.
I'm really looking forward to the third and final part of the Kingkiller Chronicles, those books are very good. The only bad thing is that I've to wait till Kvothe/HeerKarel finishes the book. I often borrow his books, and he borrows mine, and we collect different series.
This is a picture of the books Kvothe bought after his birthday two years ago. It's about 11.000 pages and the Wise man's fear alone was about 1kg....


Retired Staff
Ah, when I get home I'll stack my books against the door again and take a picture of it.


Carpet Monkey
@LadyMara: have my respect for a fellow true fantasy reader :D Your post was great because 50% of the books i know so that shows me, we have a similiar (good :p ) taste and what is even better, the other 50% are unknown by me! New books to read :3

@Anithola: Oh. From Martin to Paolini. Well that had to happen. You know, paolini was 15 when he started writing those (figure of speech, i guess u already knew that ;) ) so his style isn't that...mature or developed and he himself said he was greatly inspired by LotR and being insipred by that means to write like everyone does, no other series is more "coppied" then LotR. it is like the fantasy standard.
Eragon is still good just cause the storry and characters realy develop as paolini himself truned from 15 to 20 (maybe even a bit older i guess) but it would never stand against someone like Martin or Tolkien. But thats how Bestseller are written, easy to read, a story for most ages and such. true readers maybe glimps at them, but never worship them :p

So maybe i should put my favorite books/Authors here too now, after being all hat and no cattle till now ;)

1. Everything from Tolkien (High)
2. Series from Sergej Lukianenko, such as Night Watch (realy deep shit in his books, philosophers will have fun) (kind of low fantastic)
3. The one and Only Terry Pratchett with his Disc World (humor/parody)
4. David Gammels Drenai-Saga (Low)
5. Skulduggery Pleasent by Derek Landy (originally a childrens book, but the dark humor, the "male" mainact himself and the fantastic dialogues make it worth the try) (high with a bit low and a bit humor)

german now (not sure if translated):
6. Markus Heitz Dwarves (high)
7. Richard Schwartz The Secret of Askir (kind of high with low elements)

Those would be my favorites and all together they already are 60-80 Books :D

in the brackets behind i noted which part of the fantasy genre they are, for those who don't know the difference:

fantasy: complete new world, with all the fantasy ellements we know

fantastic: todays age and time but fantasy invading (such as a normal teenager finds a portal that leads into acient rome where he talks to the olympic gods)

Low: the setting itself is kind of dark, the heroes aren't shiny knights rescuing a princess from a dragon.
it is more like a coldblooded mercenary with a terrible past promises his brother to rescue his wife and while doing that he needs to overcome the magician order of peace which are good on the outside but do unspeakable evil to all with a different point of view. Also sex ist often used pretty detailed so children back off ;-)

High: Normal fantasy. White Knight kills dark knight and rescues princess (mama mia)


Retired Staff
The Dwarves are translated to Dutch, I liked the first two books, but after that it was a bit of a meh-serie.