Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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New race idea Morean


Lord of Altera
Now I thought about this long and just want to see if this would be ok or not (I don't want to go ahead with anything before I get approval)

Basically this race hails from a pocket realm (I explained more on this on another thread but ill try to explain it again as best as I can). Basically the pocket realm was (the way I envisioned it) a spin off realm from the creation of the main one (new altera or old whichever would fit better). So basically it was separated early on and has had no influence on the main world at all(but has very similar characteristics). Basically I want the Morean people to be human like but have specific attributes that would set them apart.

First. They came to the main realm because the pocket realm is deteriorating and well they just had to try and escape. That is their story anyway (I am open to any revisions to this to fit lore or stuff).

weaknesses and strengths
-they are 'blind' in the sense that they can't see light or colors (so they can't make color based assumptions without other characters telling them so)(I also assuming this has other disadvantages)
-they see the energies that make up things instead (cold objects are harder to see because the lack of energy)(however this sight can make good night vision)
-things with great energy are basically loved by them (bait? Payment? So bright it 'blinds them again?')
-not nessicarily any alignment towards good or evil, (although they generally dislike demonics)
-very few can use magic. (I want to elaborate more but I will wait till magic gets sorted out by the lore team)
-many tend to become smiths (because the forge is filled with energy that they see)
-slight resistance to heat.(fire still burns)
-are exposed to cold attacks and such.
-hidden weakness of violent storms (all that rain completely ruins their vision)(snow is almost see through for them).
Hopefully I didn't forget anything :S

-are in appearance very human-like
-eyes are pupil-less or are just pure white.
-Have a type of natural rootlike system tattoo pattern on their skin
-only hair on head.
-thick hands and fingers.
-they are generally un-slightly (they don't care much on personal appearance since regular sight has no influence on them)
-six toes...(not feet)
-very short neck
-strength is around human capacity(I would say most of their traits except charisma quality and appearance which are less than humans')

-they practically worship energy (coal being sacred)
-their coming of age ceremony is where the young follow the sun(being the great energy) for one week, and traditionally in their homeland would involve moving east in morning climbing a mountain, the west in the afternoon scaling the mountain.)
-very accepting of other races and generally treat everyone with good humor.
-their general culture was dictated by their view of energy so they are usually praising the energy the see in things or pitying the lack thereof.

(I haven't called my character in game as this race yet I wanted to get approval first of course)(also anything that I have to improve upon to make it possible I'm willing to do.)
So yeah might as well throw it in the air.
(Also I just now thought of calling any creature from this pocket realm a Morean (all have the same str and weaknesses, although that's if the main one fails.)


Lord of Altera
Unfortunately the lore team is not open to race proposals at the moment.
They may be in the future, however, as I said, at the moment, they are not :/


Lord of Altera
Oohn ok , darn I haven't read all the forums yet... Until then my char is human with more or less deviations that have affected his people...


Lord of Altera
This sounds like a great idea, I love it. Though as Valcust said you can't make up a new race atm, but when we can I'm sure they will be greatly apreciated. ;)