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New stuff to be added in skyrim such as Dragon Riding.


Legend of Altera
After the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim shipped, the team at Bethesda took a week to do whatever they wanted and create content they could add to the game in the future.
As revealed during Todd Howard's keynote speech at DICE, the team designed all kinds of content, including dragon mounts, house building, and spears! Howard prefaced this reveal by saying none of this content is confirmed, and that it may or may not ever come out for public consumption.
The video shown during the keynote can be seen archived on GameSpot. Check it out below. It begins at around the 41:00 minute mark. Here is the list of features that could be added down the road:
Seasonal Foliage​
Flow-based Water Shader​
Kill Cams for Magic and Ranged Combat​
Stealth enhancements such as water arose and Assassin's Vision​
Guards can re-light darkened areas​
Paralysis Runes​
Dungeon enhancements like hanging structures and moving platforms​
Water currents in dungeons​
Dark dungeons​
New follower commands for combat style, training, distance, equipment, etc.​
Set favorites for followers​
Build you own home…complete with skeleton butler!​
Spell combinations! Flame + Raise Zombie = Conjure Flame Atronach, Fear + Healing = Drain Health​
High Level Draugr​
Waygate fast-travel​
Epic new mounts​
Mounted combat​
Dragon Mounts​
Soulbug Familiar​
Kinect Shouts​
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion​
Enhanced Underwater Visuals​
Snow Footprints​
Verlet surfaces for non-rigid objects…like the Fat Giant​
Ice & Fire Arrows​
Lycanthropy Perk Tree​
Vampire Feeding​
Become a flying Vampire Lord​
Vampire imp minions​
Mudcrab animation tweaks​


Loyal Servant of Altera
Aw good lawd, I think I just shat myself.
No but seriously, I hope this gets added in the next dlc.


All of this is very possible (considering it was all in the game jam), but bethesda probably would not release all of this into one DLC pack, most of it would be spread out I would think. Also the only thing I think wouldnt be added would b the transformations.


Lord of Altera
-dies and resurrects himself- what did i just see.. KINECT SHOUTS?! :eek: Now i have a reason to yell FUS RO DAH!


Lord of Altera
Kinect shouts! I don't own a Kinect thingy, but imagine sitting in front of your television while shouting Fus Ro Dah at the screen.