Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Nope Faces Thread [Discontinued]


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Not taking requests anymore~!
On to other sketches~


Ehm. I am a horrible drawer as you can see up there [That is Ashna btw]. I cannot draw phosisticated thingies.
But I wanted to do a small request thing. And draw peeps characters without putting
too much pressure on myself. Aka, I will draw when I want, and however horrible it is!
So go ahead and post your character here so I know what their faces look like!
(I can't do bodies dangit)

And I may make them do weird faces so be warned!
Oh, and it will be just a doodly sketch, so no coloring~

Edit: Oh, and post a reference picture for me </3 hunting for your char profiles 2hard4me​
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Not A Pirate
Retired Staff
Oh oh oh, if there is any way of you doing one of Darko but he's in a onesie, I could never thank you enough.