Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Nope Faces Thread [Discontinued]


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Give meh time and I'll get to it~ And I apologize to Carmenator. It sometimes un-watches me from the thread ;-;


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Titus ples
I don't have any reference pics but the skin might be somewhat helpful
View attachment 45649
and profile is Here
SORRY ITS BEEN SO LATE. And I did my best with that skin ;-;

Aw, just saw these. They look fantastic. I'd like to request one for Barroes, if you're not too busy. Link to the character profile is in my signature. :D
Awesome skin is awesomeee

dat baldy one-eyed man. D'awww

Perhaps I ought to request one as well... Good ol' Al... If'n ya would...
I went by the portrait sketch on ol' Al's profile :heart:

.. Raaawr

... Man, my style is never constant. Sorry peeps, still a newbie at this.


Legend of Altera
SORRY ITS BEEN SO LATE. And I did my best with that skin ;-;

Awesome skin is awesomeee

dat baldy one-eyed man. D'awww

I went by the portrait sketch on ol' Al's profile :heart:


... Man, my style is never constant. Sorry peeps, still a newbie at this.
Inconsistencies make things more interesting :heart: