Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Notice] Renovations


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Art by Magic Intern

Two motions put forth by Arielle du Lavoyard have been approved by the Council. The motions are as follows;

The updating, renovating, and expansion of the Guardhouse.

The current guardhouse of Storm's Landing has been deemed unsuitable for the growing guard force, and will be going through some changes as a result. The aim is to provide a main hall for citizens to enter to seek out a guard, and the securing and separation from it from the Courthouse for better security purposes. A new armoury will be built, the cells renovated and made more secure, as well as more ideal living quarters for the individuals who make keeping the Landing safe their job.
For the next while, all guards are encouraged to find housing of their own or use tavern rooms, rent will be covered if required. The town hall can be used for meetings, the cells will be a priority and done in two stages as to not create a point where no cells are available. It should also be noted further motions have been forward to arrange for basic first aid lessons for guards, as well as the approval of preferred weapons by city smiths and a defined uniform, but notes on these will come when the Council agrees in full.

The changing of the Post Office into the new Council Offices; named 'Crawford House'.

The post office duties will merge to those of the bank, and the building will instead be stripped to be re-purposed into offices for current Council members. It is hoped that having a public building for our council members, citizens can arrange meetings and discussions with them individually, and find a place to voice concerns. A presence near to the guard house will also further unite the two, to encourage working together.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Edit: We're doing a new guardhouse and using the old one to be the new council place, but I can't be bothered to edit that properly. Just pretend.....


Events Staff
Very Sweet
The guard fort is in and I ask forgiveness in there not being much 'construction' RP or time, I'm juggling a few things at the moment. We can go with it being new and furniture is being settled in etc, the guard captain can sort out quarters and so on. Dungeons/cells will be done in the next few days.