Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished [Nov 28] The Coronation of King Peter I


Lord of Altera

Coronation of King Peter I
Come one and all to the great stronghold of Breakwater to witness the crowning of the King Peter I and celebrate with a tournament and trial at arms!

Classification: Moderate, Public
Where: All throughout the city of Breakwater
Whom: Any and all who wish to attend the tournament and praise the new king.
Hosts: King Peter, @Cap and High Priest Yence, @Michcat
When: 1:30 EST

The death of King Charles has not slowed the engine of Anhald. By law of inheritance, the new King is to be Peter Hallon, former Left Hand of the King. He is to be anointed with the holy oils and blessed so that his reign is honoured by God. To celebrate his coronation, there will be a feast for both peasant and nobleman, and a grand tournament shall be held, featuring -

A Joust
Knights and cavalrymen will ride to test their skill with a lance. The winner shall receive 3000 radiants and a request of the new King, as long as it is within limit. Horses will not be provided. [OOC - If you have an IC horse but no OOC one, we will lend you a spare. Jousting is roll based]

A Melee
Soldiers shall test their sword arms in a melee to the last man. The winner shall receive 2500 radiants, and a decorated longsword. Any man who kills another during the fights, be it by accident or with purpose, forfeits his prize if he is the victor. [OOC - Please avoid killing other characters if you can.]

An Archery Contest
Those who wish to test their skill with a bow may do so at the archery contest. The winner shall receive 2500 radiants, and a decorated longbow. He who shoots the farthest and most accurate wins. [OOC - Archery is roll based]

Note - The joust and the melee will not kill any characters intentionally, but tragic accidents might seriously injure you! Make sure you and your character know what you're getting into, even in the mock-combat of a melee, and understand that entering the violent sports is consent to IC injury and death!
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Coronation of King Peter I
Come one and all to the great stronghold of Breakwater to witness the crowning of the King Peter I and celebrate with a tournament and trial at arms!

Classification: Moderate, Public
Where: All throughout the city of Breakwater
Whom: Any and all who wish to attend the tournament and praise the new king.
Hosts: King Peter, @Cap and High Priest Yence, @Michcat
When: Saturday, November 28 at 12:00 EST

The death of King Charles has not slowed the engine of Anhald. By law of inheritance, the new King is to be Peter Hallon, former Left Hand of the King. He is to be anointed with the holy oils and blessed so that his reign is honoured by God. To celebrate his coronation, there will be a feast for both peasant and nobleman, and a grand tournament shall be held, featuring -

A Joust
Knights and cavalrymen will ride to test their skill with a lance. The winner shall receive 3000 radiants and a request of the new King, as long as it is within limit. Horses will not be provided. [OOC - If you have an IC horse but no OOC one, we will lend you a spare. Jousting is roll based]

A Melee
Soldiers shall test their sword arms in a melee to the last man. The winner shall receive 2500 radiants, and a decorated longsword. Any man who kills another during the fights, be it by accident or with purpose, forfeits his prize if he is the victor. [OOC - Please avoid killing other characters if you can.]

An Archery Contest
Those who wish to test their skill with a bow may do so at the archery contest. The winner shall receive 2500 radiants, and a decorated longbow. He who shoots the farthest and most accurate wins. [OOC - Archery is roll based]

Note - The joust and the melee will not kill any characters intentionally, but tragic accidents might seriously injure you! Make sure you and your character know what you're getting into, even in the mock-combat of a melee, and understand that entering the violent sports is consent to IC injury and death!
My char doesn't like Anheld much but will probably come for the archery contest!


Bored Brit
I'm assuming everyone would know of this IC? If so, I'm thinking Brett may turn up for the melee and see what happens.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Would've been a great time for me to drag Nicolette out, but alas, I work. Regardless, well wishes to event smoothness.~


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
I just realized this is 10 AM for me.. Welp, I'm setting a alarm.


Can I get an estimated time when the archery contest begins and when the event ends?


Lord of Altera
Got work and stuff surprising me today. Might be delayed for a few hours or postponed until tomorrow.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Got work and stuff surprising me today. Might be delayed for a few hours or postponed until tomorrow.
Hey Cap; Don't mean to be a bother, but do you know if its going to be tomorrow or today yet? c: