Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Oliver Thorn


Lord of Altera

"I'm bored! Lemme have my fun!" (Can be flirty or happy depending on your mind.)


General Information:

Name: Oliver Thorn
Other Names: Fawn, Ollie, Thorn, Thorn in my side
Titles: Caparii

Age: 24
Race: Caparii
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)
Current Residence: None
Relationship Status: Taken~.
Social Status: Some guy.
Current Thoughts: "Life's pre''y good righ' now."

Physical Appearance:

Height: 6'5
Weight: 245
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Tanned
Shape of Face: A nice shape.
Distinguishing Features: Curved horns, a brand under his gold band, scars on his hands and chest, with a puncture looking wound on his collarbone.
Build of Body: Muscular but not bulging muscles muscular. He's able to pick up heavy things with little effort now.
Hair Color: Auburn
Hair Style: Messy
Complexion: None
Posture: (Idk the name)
Is Seen By Others As: Caparii, Annoying
Scars: Hands and chest, fully healed
Puncture wound on collarbone, healed.
Voice: Deep voice.


Likes: His twin, meat, vegetables, fruit, wine and other alcohol, daggers.
Dislikes: Banditry, thievery
Strengths: Ok with a dagger, can be persuasive, trustworthy
Weaknesses: Not good with swords or any other weapon, loses temper often, too trusting of others, stubborn
Fears: The dark, monsters, sometimes others
Values: His brother, wine, Mums, Friends.
Education: Home schooled, illiterate.
Languages: Fey speak- Fluent Commoner- Fluent
General Attitude: Nice, Friendly
Religious Inclination: None
General Intelligence: Average
General Sociability: Very social.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Short Term Goals:

Long Term Goals:
Find a mate. (Completed!)
Settle down with Alyia and Aurum.


Wardrobe: Green headband, gold armband, green armband.

Pets/Animals: None

Owned Homes: None

Carried Inventory: Emeralds
General Inventory: A rather big 'knife', a goat skull, a golden spoon.

General Wealth: Rich af

Health: Good

Illnesses: None
Allergies: Type of grass
Injuries: None
Sleeping Habits: Evening, sometimes late afternoon
Energy Levels: Average
Eating Habits: None
Exercise Habits: Early morning
Memory: Good
Unhealthy Habits: Short-Tempered
Drinking Habits: Wine


Birthplace: A small village

Childhood: Bit truamtic, good.

Teen Years: Good so far.

Adulthood: Just grew into 22.

Family History: None

Past Places of Residences: None

Places Traveled: None

Decides to drink in Haven
Goes to new world on Haven boat.
Meets Chestnut and Beatrice.
Falls for Beatrice.
Gets injured, breaks arm and rib.
Meets up with Arum.
Gets new Mum, Chestnut.
Gets protective of said Mum.
Gets more enemies who want to date Mum, but there may never be anyone.
Goes to Mockingbay with Mum.
Gets hurt defending friends from Rigmor, gets broken collarbone/shoulder.
Gets heart broken, becomes depressed.
Goes all out mafia on Kieril, kicking in his legs and tried to kick in his ribs but was
dragged away.
Goes to Valerius.
Has to choose between Mum or Alth, chooses Mum.
Goes to Sandru with Mum.
Falls out of contact with everyone, coming back older and stronger, as well as more mature, and some new surprises.
Comes back, learns of Ava’s and Althalos’ death, becomes depressed and wants to find Chestnut but gives up.
Meets Alyia.
Falls for Alyia.
Alyia doesn't like, gives up.
Meets Fenrya.
Falls for Fenrya.
Fenrya likes! Dates Fenrya.
Has a child with Fenrya.
Falls for Alyia again.
Alyia loves too, they get together as well.


Peaceful or violent: Violent

Weaponry: A dagger

Combat Training: Medium, better now.

Training & Skills:

[Insert listed of skills/talents/things they’re trained in here]
Throwing knives

Other Trivia:

Occupation: Nomad
Favorite Types of Food: Rabbit (Yummm)
Favorite Types of Drink: Wine
Hobbies/Pastimes: Being with Alyia of course.
Favorite Colors: Green


Relevant Family Members:

Iris Thorn:
Oliver's lil sis, he loves her and will protect her from anything and anyone, including flirty little boys.
"Don' yeh dare stare at moi sister! Oi swear Oi'll bea' th' shoi'e out of yeh if yeh do!"

His other Mum, Ava:
"Mum... O-Oi shoulda been there.. Oi shoulda done somethin'... Oi'm so sorry..."

“Where’d yeh go Mum…? Oi need yeh… more than ever…”

Arum Thorn:
Oliver's Brother, hasn't seen him in a while. But he still loves him.
"Come back yeh Fock! I miss yeh!"

Aurum Thorn Jr.:
Oliver's only son, a small baby who has his eyes. He's got cute lil' stubs right now and Oliver can't wait to see him grow up into a man. However, Aurum now has Alyia has his mum. For an explanation, see Fenrya in 'Disfavored Individuals'.
"My li''le baby, don' worry. Alyia will be a great mum."

Romantic Interests:

Ollie's one and only from now on. This elfess is Ollie's girl and only his. Strangely enough, the whole open relationship thing stopped working after Fenrya. And now everyone that hits on her will receive a hard punch to the jaw. Since she's also his fiancé.
"Yer mine and only mine! I love you so much!"

Trusted Friends:

Oliver thinks of her as a friend, a good friend as well. She's nice to him and he thanks her for that, as well as sticking with him.

Friendly With:

A Dwarf, she played a drinking game with Oliver and Alyia, told her story, and seemed pretty fun. Oliver cannot tell if she attempts to flirt though...

Ember Mor'Alune:
Took Ollie's first kiss with no strings attached surprisingly! Didn't mean anything although. She's also offered to help find him a mate.
"If you actually pull it off... I really will drink 3 bottles of rum."

He likes Sugar, but still doesn't know what exactly to think of her. He enjoyed their dance and she's become a trusted friend. But still, he just doesn't know exactly what to think of her. He's not sure if he has feelings for her or not.

"Than’ yeh fer tellin’ me… Oi know yeh didn’ loike ‘er… bu’.. Thank yeh.” godfather1

Loose Acquaintances

"Jus' follow our hooves an' yeh'll ge' th' dance!" Nidari

Disfavored Individuals:
Fenrya broke Ollie's heart when she either pretended to or really forgot him. He doesn't want her anywhere near him or his child, and hopes she doesn't want to be near them as well.

Calcifer Crow:
This moor wanted to kiss his fiancé and even had the guts to offer her a job where she'd sleep with someone and then kill them. Meaning he was on the kill list until Alyia said otherwise. But since then he's made sure the two stay away from each other.
"Fuck yeh an' yer apologies. Stay the fuck away from 'er."


Wary Of:

Rigmor, Albright, Cymic, Odette, Etc.

Current Status:
Pretty damn happy currently, got life going well.

Theme Music:

Last edited:


Lord of Altera
Waterday, 29th of Sunbright, 2260
I still haven't found my brother.... I've checked almost every city but it seems to be as if the people have disappeared! I'm starting to doubt if he's alive now... *A dark spot stains this page, it appears to be made by water or something.* But I'm still going to try! I can't give up on him! Not now, not ever! He has to be alive he has to be!


Sorry it's not Wynnter.. that was left over from a name change


Lord of Altera
I met some new people today on the boat, one of them helped me while I wasn't awake during the tumbles, for that I owe her my life. Beatrice, the other one I will protect. Both of them I will do what I can to protect, a promise is a promise. On the other hand Arum may be on a different boat! It's given me hope that I'll see him again! Soon we'll be back to taking he alchohol and drinking! I miss those days... That's all for now.

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
Ah-ha! THIS is a character I need to add to relations.

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
Azariah Ralotumal: "Yer okie now, Oi thin' we're goin' tuh be grea' frien's, yeh jus' need to s'op callin' me ah goa', although yeh 'ave been doin' be''er on tha'!" (Asirel Luik)

I'll have you know TECHNICALLY she never called him a goat! She just bleated at him. XD


Lord of Altera
Azariah Ralotumal: "Yer okie now, Oi thin' we're goin' tuh be grea' frien's, yeh jus' need to s'op callin' me ah goa', although yeh 'ave been doin' be''er on tha'!" (Asirel Luik)

I'll have you know TECHNICALLY she never called him a goat! She just bleated at him. XD
Lillinette was the one who called him a goat. :heart: