Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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On the Spirit Blessed, Just Venting


Adorable according to Michcat
I have a right to make my opinions known and here they are.

I know that you guys take alot into consideration when writing the Lore. This post is more for me to vent than anything else. Please bear that in mind as you continue reading. I personally have put around 950 hours into research, lore and actual history of the Elementals and have accumulated more than sixty, that's right 60, double-sided pages of handwritten text over the course of around eight months. I know the rewriting will be somewhat easy and blah blah blah, but I'm just supremely disappointed that all of my work and thought just went down the drain in an instant. That's it. I just wanted to make my feelings known and if you really want to go this route, I'll accept it. Thanks for putting up with me and I hope that the transition goes well.