Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Open Your Eyes, for They May Yet Return.


Legend of Altera
Before you read on, you must hear my story.
For The Doors Have Eyes, and they are always watching!

Twas two years ago I came upon the discovery. Twas two years ago the unthinkable happened. I have been blinded for long enough. I merely hope that I am not too late.

Two years ago I fought them. Pure evil is what they were, ever hiding, ever deceptive; standing out in broad daylight as if nothing was going on. For two years they have been biding their time. Growing in strength and in numbers. I thought their leader defeated and gone, but I had never seen him fall.
This is my folly. I am the guardian, but I let my guard down.

It seems like a lifetime ago, I had grown bored with my existence and began to travel to new lands where I might reap new benefits and find new camraderie. I traveled far and wide, from the lowliest of worlds, to the ones that seemed would never end, I even became a god, and waged a war of gods to control my domain. But I never expected them to intervene. They had never stopped watching.

And as I fell from my godly perch in the land of legends and games I watched as it began to burn. Just a spark at first, from the swinging of a door.

I fled, only to return not but a year later to find my domain restored. I planted a seat atop my perch once more, but lightning strikes twice, as a door swings on it's hinge.

I fled to the gates as the world crumbled before me. I heard them. I heard them swinging, swaying, revolving, opening, closing, locking, breaking, clicking and clacking, squeaking and squealing, never revealing what lies beyond but a glimpse through a keyhole!!!

...and then silence... and then darkness... and as the ground erupted before me so did my greatest of foes. Forgotten and found. Standing there before me; a lone vigil amidst the flames of my dying world. It had returned. Floating there as I was, unable to issue a command, too slow to open my inventory. I would know my enemy before my world faded ever from view. Forever gone.

The doors are here. The doors are there. They are always watching, always waiting. Ever Biding their time fated to strike. Hatred running deep as their servitude binds them to the frames of our very homes.
"I ran into a door." people say...
If only they knew how true it could be...

"I fell down some stairs." others quote...
Steps are their greatest allies...

And the world continues to spin, and people continue to find things other than pork to eat.

I have found myself returning to the world where it all began. My old quest abandoned, I am but a shadow of my former self. Appearing and reappearing without pattern. I am a messenger, a memory, fading into obscurity.

But I must get it out there.


And they are still watching!