Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Original War

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Lord of Altera
I was digging for artifacts in my father's old things, and located an old computer game from Virgin Interactice and Alter Interactive called Original War. It is essentially about an odd device WWI US forces found in Siberia. Scientist in Area 51 eventually in 2012 (game is old!) put together the fact that it's a time machine (named The EON) but the fuel (Siberite, from Siberia) is exausted and the only other source is in the middle of the Soviet Union (at the time of the games creation, the USSR was still around). The US sends a strike force back in time to move it from Siberia to Alaska, in what would be one day 'Murica.

"Meanwhile" in an alternate future, the Soviet Union locates a mysterious device. After much research, the Motherland discovers that this device is a time machine (the same one as the capatilist dogs found, in the other future, here named the TARAW). Much to their dismay the fuel is a green crystal known as Alaskite, native only to Alaska. So, they go back in time to move it from Alaska to Siberia. Spoiler- One can imagine their supprise at major deposits of Alaskite in prehistoric Siberia, and even more so at a group of imperialist American soldiers in the same time attempting to move "Siberite" east to Alaska...

Spoiler- After blasting the US forces and stealing the EON, a well equipped guerrilla force of Arabian mercenaries with the sole intention of destroying the Siberite deposits emerges, intent on keeping the world's power based on oil...

Not Spoiler, Read On- The game is an RTS-RPG mixture. Controls are pretty general RTSish save your most important resource: people. There is no making new units (some levels have some new arrivals to the time period appear and not everyone is the same kind of human...), and there is no respawing units. Every person has a unique look, personality, and set of skills and usually can be carried over to the next level. The game is recommended for Windows 98 (woah!), but I got it to work fine on a Windows 7. No idea how hard it is to find. 8.7/10 is my rating. One of the most fun games I've ever had, but considerably difficult. Would make good forum RP. Would be very fun for multiplayer.

Arabians: There is not an Arab campaign, but they are playable in multiplayer. Fun to play, but share the same HUD and stuff as Americans.
Siberite/Alaskite: green crystal, glows green and hot to the touch, non-radioactive, ca produce cold fusion with ease.
Time period: Spoiler- the EON/TARAW does not deliver people or supplies to the same time or place. You could be put years and miles apart from your squad. When you arrive, the private who is behind you could just be a major, and your commanding officer. Generally speaking, everyone arrives in Pilocene Siberia. Mastodons, Saber Tooth Tigers, Baggies, Homo Pilocene, whole load of the prehistoric world. But no dinosaurs, this isn't Terra Nova!
The Locals: Spoiler- Monkey see monkey do.

"Forget everything Red Army has tought you, commrade! The TARAW does not work as expected! Come with us!"
-Yuri "Burlak" Gorky