Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Now Over The Horizon - Scholarly Work


Lord of Altera
"I've found a lot, but have yet to learn much. It's time to share my findings. It's time for us to learn."
-Alexander Wise, Captain of the Eyes of Silas

The following message is posted at the crossroads, and news of this would travel quickly through the scholarly community.

A Call for all Scholars
The exploration crew The Eyes of Silas invites all scholars to join in the study of ancient relics, books, and maps found during an expedition into the western seas. Much is to be learned, only with time and skill. Any who may be interested in this study are welcome to make journey to Thiil in search of Captain Alexander Wise.

This is an ongoing event available to the anyone interested. For more information message Ddaug02 (me) of the forums.