Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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paddyh11 Character Profile


Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: Elros Valmar
Nickname/Alias: Blazed-Chemist
Age: 67
Gender: Male
Race: Elven
Height: 5' 9''
Weight: 167
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Light Blue Eyes with hint of green
Skin: Pale white skin with burn marks from the continuous fights with Blazes.
Identifying Marks: A bad burn upon my right forearm, small scars on face where zombies scratched at my face.
Appearance: I appear small and weak, but my small, agile frame makes me fast and sneaky.
Strengths: I am great with a bow and camouflaging in deep forests. I also am great at experimenting with potions and enchantments. I am a pretty good builder as well.
Weaknesses and fears: I am scared of Zombies as when he was 14 my mother and brother were slain by zombies.
Religion and cults: After my house was overrun I was no no longer was a part of any religion, as I was constantly on the move.
Profession: Builder and brewer.
Background: When I was young my father went to war to help with protection of the Forest Elves' empire. He was an archer, but when the ground force had to retreat and the archer's were all killed. My mother had to take care of my brother and me. I had to learn how to defend them as my brother was too young. However one night while I was sleeping I woke to the screams of my brother and mother and found zombies tearing them apart. I pulled out my sword and started killing the zombies , while my eyes teared up. After killing a few more came after me and I had to run. I had a few scars on my face and had to hide in a cave for the night. When the sun rose above the trees and shone in my cave, casting the shadow of burning zombies, I went to see the damage. Here I found my brother in my mother's arms. Here I sat and cried until my hunger got the best of me.
After returning with food I sat and thought about what I would do without them. For many years I was in a horrible depression in which I started experimenting on zombies with potions and enchantments and swore that I would avenge my family someday. Because our Elven empire had been overrun so long ago, there was no way I could return to the old city. So I went looking for a new town. I crossed deserts and oceans. Until one day as the sun rose I saw the shadow of a tall man building on a mountain. I realized this was a town and decided this is where I will build...