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Paint's Norvägen Tales


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff

Perhaps heard around the warm embrace of a hearth or open flame, or even while holding a horn of honey-ale in a tavern, even the various stories being told by children; tales of great honour and deeds, various tales...

Fraedis Flaetnefr | The Skjald

Many years before the sagas of the Warrior, and the northern lights that bore in the sky to mark the climax of the war of Ice and fire, lived a maiden by the name of Fraedis Flaetnefr. She was born into the family of Flaetnefr, from the bloodline of what the modern Norvägen would call the bloodline of Eldvägen, in the near future. For the time of corruption and magic had yet to touch the reality of these people. Her father was a simple farmer, and not much more could be stated for her mother, both progressing little as she grew, simply caring for their own fields. Fraedis was born different than her family, as she had a head of hair the colour of autumn leafs, and eyes that shined dark blue, like the colour of ice.This sparked many rumors and far-fetched tales about Mrs and Mr Flaetnefr, tales often joked about at the table dinner and during family gatherings, for the reason she bore such different traits were unknown Fraedis grew witnessing the downfall of balance over the years; recalling seeing the dragons and men living in peace; witnessing them fly over the farm and towns and even watching them den for the nights.
Fraedis was a hot-headed girl, strong and willful, yet the Norvägen are nothing if not loyal; She wished to join in the battles, in secret she would sneak out of the house and train with whatever she could find, determined to be a warrior. If discovered, she would likely of been openly mocked and discounted as any bit quantifying for combat. Fraedis was cunning as she was strong; She knew that to proof herself, she would have to trick the men into thinking they could make a joke or scene out of her, she acted weak, shook and ate little when in slight (Sneaking foods to eat later). Once she had grown strong and powerful, she took the journey to meet with the Jarl, with her, she wore a pair of misfitting pants under a simple dress, and on her hip was a bearded axe stolen from her father, layers of cloth and fur heavy on her to hide her strength.
She arrived in the Longhouse of the Jarl, A gathering of folk from the town were within the Longhouse, some drinking as they listened to the council between the Jarl and the folk who seeked to speak with him. She waited her turn, and once her turn came, she approached the man, who sat with black hair and dull, grey eyes, at his left side a wife who was rumored to only pronounce stillborn child, and at the Jarl’s right side stood a man, a mage, whom they called the Jarl’s advisor. “Speak up lass.” The Jarl spoke, as he’d study her ‘weak’ frame, shaking and weak. Fraedis spoke, summoning the weakest voice she could; “M-My.. Jarl.. Ah wish to f-fight the d-dragons in the south with the m-men.. ah c-can fight..” An uproar flooded the room, various laughs and coughs from laughing too hard, men and women alike wiping tears from their faces. One man however, proud in nature and strong, the folk commonly referring to him as a ‘Black Bear’ stepped forward, towering over Fraedis, he’d smile, clearly amused; “A lass as fair as yeself.. more reasonable to put ye in me’ home as me’ wife, not as a warrior.” He’d smirk softly studying her as he’d walk circles around her, running a finger down the hilt of her bearded axe; “Ah say, she seems to think she is a warrior, but look at her, weak, nearl’ shakin’ in her boots, can’ even speak..” He’d nearly growl out, Fraedis, proud with her acting kept at it further; “A-Ah can beat ye!” She’d call weakly, another fit of laughter coming from the people in the room, The Jarl looked over, clearly amused as well, speaking in a roar, commanding; “Me’ dear lass, if ye so sure of yerself, why don’ ye face the Black Bear ‘ere? If ye can kill this man in me’ hall and prove yerself, than ye can join the warband headin’ south to face the dragons, that sound fair to ye, Bjørn?” The black bear would simply nod in reply, smirking. The people in the hall started to clear space, as the woman withdrew the axe from her hip, holding it in a weak hold, her challenger drawing a sword from his hip, letting the iron ring throughout the hall.
Ah can trick him furthermore.. Freadis thought to herself Ah just need to catch him off-guard.. Knowin’ the brute he is, his first strike will move to scar or lightly wound.. that will be me’ chance. She smirk weakly to the man, as he’d remove his cloak and shirt, bearing a full chest to her, tattoos marking his chest and arms, clear strength simply in his build. She noted however, the ‘Bear’ carried a seax, on the back of his belt, noting such as they started to walk circles around each other, Fraedis looking as weak as she could summon, tempting her opponent; leaving herself open. As expected, the Bear was as foolish as he was strong, dashing forward at her and sending the tip of his sword downwards just under her left eye, the gash, now bleeding and the laughing filling the room, Fraedis removed the cloak, letting it fall to the ground and revealing her undershirt, a set of strong arms and shoulders, smirking as she spoke “Do not judge a warrior by its appearance..” She’d say clearly as she’d dash forward with her axe, swinging towards the left and at the Bear’s sword. The Bear barely had time to react, using his sword to just stop the force of the axe, Fraedis approached than, closer as she locked the weapons with her right hand, moving to hold it high as she’d swiftly headbutt the bear straight on the nose, staggering back, the woman grabbed his hair and pulled his head down, her knee speedily coming up to strike the man’s head, causing him to fall onto his hands and knees. Fraedis would look around the room at the shocked faces and expressionless quiet, going to reach down for his Seax, swiftly slitting the Bear’s throat.
Fraedis earned her due, joining the men who went south, having proofed herself infront of many, including the Jarl. She went south and battled dragons, many, and lived to tell the tales; But she noticed once she returned the more women were like her, she formed a band of warriors, the Skjaldmærs. It is told she had many great children, many of whom who lived on to become warriors, such as Sylvi the Bold, her first born daughter and Ivar the Brave, her later born son. Some claim her bloodline still lives on to this very day, merging with the blood of the modern day Norvägen’s, however such tale being thrown around as a bar line to impress others. Fraedis’s might and fury on the battlefield lives on with various tales and accounts of her success, yet one fact is known; She earned the death she wanted. She fell years later, in her 40s, to a dragon in combat, seeking out the beast on her own accord, and facing it without armour or shirt, she died with honours, died like a warrior should.

Note; Before you all go tag crazy with @Faelin these are not canon with history of the Norvagen people, these are tales and stories told by people, but not by any means true. Think of them like wives tales or bedtime stories, something along those lines~


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Fixed a few mistakes here and there, quite proud of the first story, got some mightly fine ideas in mind for future tales~