Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Penelope Fringe.. : Bandit of Kaer'Morhen [app for murdy]


Lord of Altera
Name: Penelope "Ropewalker" Fringe

Gender: Female

Race: Silver Elf - Desert dweller [sooleran, banished for crimes]

Faction, [Marr or Bandit]: Bannndit :heart:

Armor and weaponry: No Armor, she wears black silks ideal for agility and flexability.
The only tools/weapons she has on her person at all times, is a length of small chain, about 4 feet long that she keeps wrapped around her torso [which sometimes does in fact negate stealth, cuz jingle], a metal hook that she can attach to that chain [it couldnt hold up much more than just herself, not useful for sieges or aiding other bandits at all, only her], and a small dagger she keeps strapped to her thigh.

All other weapons or tools I will acquire IC ^_^ if I do- Ill list them here. [ I wont roleplay this character until I get the okay to begin doing so, of course!]

A brief description of your character:
Penelope is an interesting lass. Shes always excited, she loves to be theatric, and shes one of those girls you find out are ex-circus ladies that got kicked out because they were dealing in crimes and not good for the community.
She's about 5'7, skinny and proportionate, a pale ivory skin tone, with pretty brown eyes. Her build is toned and flexible, every muscle she practices getting to know in the early morning hours, she stretches and bounces about with activity during most hours. She's very obedient, and has that sort of mentality where, if you are the bandit leader, she'll be -more- than happy to get the job done right just to make you proud.
She's daft.. Like your average blonde, in most cases I'd say she's dumber than Violet [and that says something], but she sure knows how to handle herself.


I'd say its up to you @Kyle1322 if she can be able to pick intermediate level locks, thats the only other ability Id think Id like her to have.

Hope you like her : P

@Ouderless Block - @Kyle1322 <--- whats up with that?