Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Percidus, the Earthbound

Evan Morrison

Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: Percidus
Nickname/Alias: Percy
Age: Just a few days in this world, but I spent millennia in my prior home.
Gender: Male
Race: As dubbed by Cinnamony "Not-A-God-Anymore"
Height: 5'7" (170.18 cm)
Weight: 130 lbs (58.97 kg)
Hair: Changes
Eyes: Changes
Skin: Optional
Identifying Marks: Usually don't look comfortable in my own skin, as I tend to change a lot. I'm also quite clumsy and tend to fall on my face a lot in rp, although not into holes and things like that in the ooc game.
Appearance: I can shapeshift a little, although not always intentionally. In order to keep with the values of the roleplaying, I'll make sure not to be too outlandish.
Strengths: I am confident in everything I do. I'm pretty comfortable with talking to people, although sometimes awkward in introductions.
Weaknesses and fears: People often scoff at my story, which, although somewhat ludicrous, is the closest thing to the truth I could think of.
Religion and cults: I believe in a universe of multiple dimensions and thousands of devine beings. I would have to be an idiot not to, as I came from one such alternate dimension and was a god there.
Profession: I'm a villager for now, and I get by using a small mine in my basement. I'm considering starting a farm soon.

My race is the tricky part: in a different universe, I was, and am, a god. In that world, mortals and devines walk together (although most devines don't "walk"), and I am known as a manipulator of the world around me. However, I left that universe because after becoming so powerful, everything I did lacked the zest and challenge I love in life. So I decided to forego that world and transcend space to enter Altera. My appearance changes regularly as a result of my weak tie to a physical form. In other words, I could be whatever I wanted as a god, so as a mortal I occasionally lose substance and reform with a new appearance.

Evan Morrison

Loyal Servant of Altera
Vanar, it doesn't seem that we are online at the same time much. We should try to meet up and rp some time! XD


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Oh? Am I allowed to know your plan or is it to be a secret?
Another more powerful being is taking over the demension you were in before coming to Altera. So, you and other people decide to destroy said powerful being and protect your dimension.

Evan Morrison

Loyal Servant of Altera
Ok, but how would we rp this in Altera? Also, 4Craftia, my home dimension, is another server. My entire story is real. XD I see how it could be a topic of conversation, but beyond that? Unless... OH! I've got it. This character is increasing his/her power by absorbing it from other gods, and he's/she's trying to call me back to drain my power. So we have to figure out a way to solidify my form in Altera and keep me from returning until I feel ready to go back and confront him/her.