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Piratep00f's ban appeal [Banned]


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
I like to start off that personally I think we could have solved this much easier.
The ban for which I'm appealing is a "Cobble generator".
I am well aware that cobble generators are not allowed, yet I built one. Why?
I've build a cobble-generator because my character is the scientist kind of character. He has a room especially dedicated to the influence that water has on lava. This includes water meeting lava and thus forming cobble. I can assure you that this is the only use I have for it. As obviously visible in the room: It is for RP-purposes only. In fact, you cannot even reach the cobble that is generated.
I am hoping there is a way for my character to keep this house with the generator, as well as I hope to be allowed back on...
I personally think it's outrageous that I'm banned for this, instead of just talking it out and either come to some possibility to keep the experiment, or for me to manually remove it. The ban was not needed in my view....
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Lord of Altera
Cobblestone generators are disallowed in the rules, which you should be well aware of.

The server can not make exceptions regardless of whatever reasons, if we make one exception then what would be the point of the rules in the first place?

The ban was completely justified. If we have to start prodding people that make generators, mob grinders, using fly mod without the right perms, then we're gonna have rule breakers everywhere. We are NOT going to make an exception, you should have followed the rules.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
... Might I ask why cobble stone generators are disallowed in the first place?


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Does this mean there is no way of being unbanned? I mean, I didn't use it for the practical uses it provides: Getting cobblestone.

Also, @SallyPirate , think about this alternative scenario:
"Do you have a cobblestone generator?" "Yes I do" "Would you mind removing it? It is stated in the rules that you can't have one" "I know, I was using it for RP purposes since my character is the Science-Type" "Okay, but I still must ask you to remove it so that others may not use it" "Fair Enough, I'll take it out"


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
Whilst yes, this would perhaps have been an ideal way to handle the situation... I believe I can think of an even more ideal version. Frankly, you could have asked before hand, instead of doing it without permission.

I.E. you get permission to have a 'special' character before you make and start using a special character.

And while I'm no expert on the subject, I believe cobblestone generators are disallowed due to there great potential for causing lag. Once upon a time estes was an admin somewhere else, and some silly little fella decided to make a bunch of them with the soul intent of crashing the server (left little signs about the area saying exactly that). So I would imagine this could be the reason.

And I also like the idea of making exceptions (not so much in this case, as I can't really see the need to have such a machine, even for rp), but I can also recognize what a slippery slope one exception can become.

As for the unbanning, I apologize that I'm not in a position to decide.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Openly, I agree I should have asked. It seems this thought did not occur to me when I made it. I was thinking that a thing like that could not hurt, and did not expect to get such a fuss about it as I have now.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
As legion said in another thread, I've already had a second chance when I posted my first ban appeal, a few months ago... The feeling I had, that my past on this server would influence the way staff think about my current mistakes, was right. Obviously I hope that I will be allowed back on, since I've been actively trying to have a clean slate, starting a new char, meeting new people, being part of a community (the engem in this case).

To be honest, when I made that first ban appeal, I even had the thought to make a new forum account and buying a new minecraft account, just so I could escape the judgement people have of me and have a true clean slate... But I was hoping that people would see my intentions were truly good and I was sincere about coming back and bringing positivism with me. Now I'm banned again, over a cobble generator of all things I could be banned for... :(

When I was allowed back on, I was told none of the staff was against me being unbanned and had no trouble with me joining the server again. I am afraid this information was untrue. @Legion said this ban is not about the cobble generator, but about the things I did that I thought I was already punished for by my first ban...

I feel I'm disliked at a person by those who co-ordinate this server. My feeling tells me that these people see things as follows: When I do good, it's seen as normal. When I act normal, people get suspicious. When I do wrong, I go totally wrong.

It sounded the words of Legion in another tread were the last to be said on this case. As if I'll never be unbanned. If this feeling I got is true, please let me know. I know a declined ban appeal will never turn into an accepted one.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I said the ban is not only about the cobble generator. Anyone, even a first time offender, would have been punished for that. The reason we are more harsh now is because you have shown a history of breaking the rules. Increasing sentencing for repeat offenders is perfectly rational.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
alright, sorry I misunderstood your words.
I have said all I could from what my point of view is on the matter.
All I know what I'd do in the future if I get back online is to be much, much more careful about everything I'm doing :/
I'll await anxiously the answer to the appeal.


Lord of Altera
Sorry but this ban will be permanent. Cobblestone generators have always been heavily discouraged and always a permanent ban, the intention or reasoning of the player being banned is not put under consideration because it is their responsibility to read and follow the rules. The staff have every right to immediately ban anyone who builds them, because it claims so in the ToC and King's Law.
****The rules are taken very seriously in HollowWorld, breaking them can often end in a permanent ban. Make sure to read all the rules in the King's Law.****
15. Cobblestone generators, whether they be natural or powered by redstone or pistons, are not allowed. Neither are automated redstone or piston constructions that are likely to put strain on our server. All complex redstone circuits should be shown to an admin before being fully constructed.


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Incidentally, even without the history, you'd have had to wait to post an appeal.

Creating or using a Cobble Generators - Permanent Ban
No Appeal for 1 month, No Appeal for 3 months if you were warned before using one.