Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Poem] Bliss and Pain


Legend of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Roses, oh roses, so beautiful and fair
But beware, for hidden among the petals are thorns that tear
Those delicate stems, with spikes so sharp and mean
Can pierce your skin, with a single touch so keen

Their aroma sweet, their color bright and true
But do not be fooled, they can cut right through
Those thorns, they are a warning, a sign to stay away
From their beauty and their fragrance, that can lead astray

So handle with care, those roses so divine
For they can bring joy, but also cause a sting, a prick, a shine
Of pain and suffering, that can last for days From the thorns of a rose, that never seems to fade

Yet despite their dangers, we still can't resist The allure of the rose, with its beauty and its twist
Of thorns and petals, a balance of delight and fear
A reminder to be cautious, when we draw near.
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