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Port Silver Orphanage


Jane of all Trades
Retired Staff
~ * ~Silver Heart Orphanage~ * ~
Attention citizens of Altera! We have a serious problem...and it's possibly worse than corruption invading our land. Why is it worse? Because it was right under our noses and its solution is entirely within our power. This problem is huge amount of homeless children living in the streets of Altera's larger cities. I don't need to go into detail and exploit their obvious malnourishment or condition as we are all aware having walked by some of these children daily. Some of you may have already done a great deal for some of these kids and that is wonderful. Now its time to do a little more, and for everyone to do what they can, no matter how small.​
To start off this project, I have purchased a large building with a fairly good sized yard, within Port Silver. Since this seems to be the main area to find these kids it seemed a good location. Furnishing and some construction is underway and there is many ways you can help:​

  • Notify the orphanage or me personally (mairinbaihn) if you see any children wandering the streets - without parents nearby of course. We need to locate these kids (players) and offer them a spot in the orphanage and hopefully find them permanent homes.
  • Come by the orphanage for a visit during visitation hours (when I'm online :p) to meet the kids, tour the building, and donate goods or money towards the maintenance and prosperity of the home. (Wait to give donations or rads/emeralds when I'm online to help me keep track of and separate orphanage funds).
  • Goods needed include: food . leather . wood . stone . music . children's books (write one and I'll review it!!) . coal . dyes . string . rail . iron . plants and seeds . beds . chests . frames . animals or scrolls . emeralds . wooden tools . leather clothes .
  • Volunteer your time! We need friendly and caring people to help out in a lot of areas. Guards can stop by to check in on the children during their rounds. Healers can give check ups and help us fix or alleviate some of the sicknesses and disabilities these children suffer. Teachers can come share their knowledge no matter what age the kid, they all love to learn. Even if you just come to spend some time with the kids and read a book or play, its all beneficial to their well-being.
  • The biggest help of course, is to consider adopting one of these children, or maybe even a sibling group. It of course is not a decision to make lightheartedly, as these children do not deserve to go from one bad situation into another. But if children are something you foresee in your future then consider taking in a child whose been here waiting all along.
Please look for more information on the orphanage and the children. Think of ways you'd like to help and contact me! With enough honest effort we can change these kids' lives and help them grow into wonderful adults. (cough - not assassins - cough!)

Thank you,

Mairin Baihn
Port Silver Orphanage


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I'm going to laugh hysterically the first time someone tries to take Ari from Basil, because they think she's an orphan....


Retired Staff
Which building did you pick out? I've got a huge amount of floorspace in one of my own buildings that I may be able to donate for some purpose...


Jane of all Trades
Retired Staff
lol well hopefully they will note the part about kids with no parents nearby...otherwise we may have to return a few :D

I'm not exactly sure what building it is, I'll have to ask Sally what that area is referred to as...but if your building is in Port Silver or wherever, it would be nice to have a recreation area/addition building for them to hang out in...if there is a lot of them out there we will definitely need the extra space.

Thanks for thoughts guys!


Retired Staff
I've got a copy, Michcat has a copy, and Rygan_Deathblade has a copy. There's also a bookshelf squirrelled away somewhere that provides more of them.

The building is just behind the trade district Auction House.