Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Port Silver Upper District Auction House


Lord of Altera

(Thanks for @Sir Andrew Wallins !)
Next auction:

A new Auction House has been opened in the Upper District of Port Silver.
We will auction:
  • Rare metals and ores
  • Special enchanted tools
  • Items from the history of Altera
  • Horses
  • Books
  • Curses
  • Everything of worth
You may list your own item for auction and set a reserved price for it.
The listing fee is 125 Radiants per item (The free is for every unique item. For example listing a fish would cost the same as listing 5 stacks of it as long as its being sold as one unite) regardless of the item's worth or the fact if it sales or not.
Listing an item with a reserved price would cost 150 Radiants.

Once an item is sold, the Auction House will take 20% (Unless cashed with Auction Credit) of its price, the rest for its previous owners.
The original owner may claim his profit as Auction Credit (More information down)

So far the Auction House has managed to auction 100% of the items ABOVE the reserved price!
The Auction House management is confident that they could keep their current stats for the next auction as well.

If an item is sold, the Auction House will take 20% of the item's price unless you chose to cash the profit in Auction Credit (More information below).
Just come to the reception list your item!

If you have one of kind item, which would sell for a lot, we could arrange a better deal.

If you don't have anything to sell, don't let it stop you from visiting the auction house! Take a chance to look at Altera's best and finest while having great company and fun!

So come over and take a look:

(X: 9878, Z: 5564)

Auction Credit:
Auction Credit is a credit which in the auction house its worth to Radiants. Which means that you could use it to bid in the auction house. You may use Radiants as well as the credit in the same purchase (For example, if you have 1000 rads in credit and the item costs 1500 you may add 500 rads as well as the credit)

Once an item of yours is sold, you may cash out 80% of the price it was sold for in Radiants OR take 90% in credit.

Auction Credit can NOT be exchanged for Radiants!
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