Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Poster] Scavenger Hunt


The Green One
Retired Staff
Greetings my friends! It's your friend come to call, with a special treat for you, one and all! Around the city of Storm's Landing I've placed some goods for the good folk who come to find. A brave heart and adventurous spirit will be rewarded for their exploration of the city!~
But I'll not leave you with no guide, no, not at all! Hints and riddles will lead you hither and fro to the treasure you seek! So go friend, and earn your just rewards!

Hint 1: From this seat, power is held and laws are spread.


(OOC: Please only take one item from the chest, no taking more than that. It begins at the Storm's Landing Tavern, and remains in Storm's Landing.)

Ref for final prize:

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Lord of Altera
There's a slight problem with this, there's a book missing, where the 5th hint should be (with the brass bell gift). I've been enjoyingthis a lot so far by the way, what a great way to explore Storm's Landing!


The Green One
Retired Staff
There's a slight problem with this, there's a book missing, where the 5th hint should be (with the brass bell gift). I've been enjoyingthis a lot so far by the way, what a great way to explore Storm's Landing!
I'll look and replace the book when I'm able to get on tonight. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it. :)