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[Poster] The Truth Will Out


Legend of Altera
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The following poster is pinned outside multiple public places within Storm's Landing in the dead of night

To the people of Storm's Landing:

I, Valerie Gerharde, know you have little reason to listen to what I have to say after everything I have done. I assure you that I wholeheartedly regret the wounds I have caused to the people that may have trusted me. I made a mistake, and I won't insult you with excuses or an apology as I know I do not deserve your forgiveness.

Instead, I hope to repay you by granting you the most powerful gift of all: Knowledge. Understanding. Truth.

First, I present the achievements of the current council:

- The reconstruction of the courthouse, for easier access to public hearings among other logistical reasons.

- Finalising the work of the previous council for the construction and opening of the Athaenum.

- Councilman Raelur has been personally overseeing the guard during this time of increased recruiting and reform, with other council members providing equipment out of their own pocket.

- Enacted new laws to protect the Landing from Demons and Possessed, including preventing individuals in the guard from serving whilst their soul is under the influence of a demon.

- Preparing plans for the renovations and rebuilding of the Cathedral.

- Successfully removing a member of the council who failed in their duty of acting within the Landing's best interest
(While I did offer my resignation, they were quick in their actions to do this).

Now, I present to you the truths I have learnt about the Inquisition, during my time as both Councillor and their Prisoner:

The Previous Council enacted a law to prevent Criminals and Suspects from becoming Candidates for the Council. Thus, Aleksei is not eligible for this role. He was deemed guilty of his crimes during his court hearing but was granted a lesser sentence of Community Service, which he should still be serving lest he faces exile once more.

During the aforementioned trial, Aleksei admitted to deciding against exorcising Melarue Lydril, the notorious possessed individual known for many incidents involving the harm of others.

Aleksei has claimed that Candlewood, the settlement of scholars, has corrupted the guard with their influence. While there are members of Candlewood within the Guard, the Inquisition and their 'Aspires' also have prominent members within the guard. These individuals, unlike the so-called 'Corrupt' members of the guard, had tried to pressure the council to support Aleksei's demands during the occupation of the Cathedral.

The Inquisition occupied the Cathedral, a landmark beloved by most of the Landing's residents, without the permission of the Council, which delayed the plans to renovate and rebuild the historic location significantly. Plans which, thankfully, are now about to go underway.

Aleksei personally discovered the betrayal I had committed after the Inquisition took me prisoner. He did not 'reveal' this to anyone outside of his organisation. Instead, it was I who confessed to Raelur and volunteered my resignation, which led to the public announcement. Without hesitation, Aleksei chose to keep the incident a secret, on the condition that I would represent and support the Inquisition's demands to the Council and public without question. Blackmail. The very corruption he claims to want to fix. I would have resigned anyway, but I did so as soon as I was able. I would not allow myself to be the Inquisition's puppet, especially if they so easily commit the crimes they stand against.

The Mage Law is another thing you should keep in mind. There are many mages who have selflessly devoted themselves to helping others when the need arises, and these mages have assured me that they are trying to discover a way to handle the Planar Convergence. These are the same mages targetted by the Inquisition's laws.

Despite the harm it may bring to me, I give you this information to allow you all to see and think clearly during this voting period. I warn you that while there are those that claim to have good intentions for the betterment of the Landing, their actions often speak louder.

- Valerie Gerharde