Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Profile - Aerogor


Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: Aerogor

Nickname/Alias: Air/ Traitor of the Earth

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race: Earthspawn

Height: 6'8

Weight: 273 lb

Hair: Bald

Eyes: Green

Skin: Dark Green

Identifying Marks: Somewhat small tusks; lack of battle scars; frequently wears his hood

Appearance: More "well sculpted" and skinny than most Earthspawn; other than that, fairly average

Strengths: Sports the strength of most Earthspawn; has knowledge of the properties of various plants; is good with fists, hoes, and blunt weapons; values reason

Weaknesses and fears: Hates violence; somewhat squeemish; not as battle-ready as most Earthspawn

Religion and cults: Believes mostly in Harateth and Bilworth, but not exactly religious.

Profession: Farmer

Chatacter Bio (first person):

My name is Aerogor. I have always lived a fairly standard life... well, for an Earthspawn at least. Since I was a child, I've been taught the art of crafting armor, tools, and weapons. Since we Earthspawn are very able miners, such jobs have been only natural for generations. Although, looking the way we do, business is scarce, so we've usually had to make deals with poorer villages who can't afford to be picky. It was a decent living at least. However, one day a large battle broke out between neighboring cities, with our village being the battleground. With our superior strength and weaponry, both sides were easily driven back, but we weren't without our casualties as well. Friends, family, of all three sides, were either wounded or killed. I never knew anyone very well, but I still couldn't stand to see so many hurt and dying.

From that day forward, I decided to never touch steel again unless it was a farming tool. My neighbors, even my whole family shunned me for this and banished me from the village. I still hold no grudges or regrets for it. I took up learning the propertiesI of plants to be a farmer, but I still hope to one day own an inn of my very own...