Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Public Notice] Sons of God Extend Their Hand


Lord of Altera

Year 6 HL, 7th Day of the Month of Winds

Moved by a plea from the peasantry, Kaiser Peter I of the Anhaldes Kaiserreich has called a holy crusade upon the forces of demonry from beyond the Fell Door at the edge of imperial reach. The Kaiser declares that God will forgive any evils committed in one's life, should they march on the holy war path. All true believers in the only faith are called to the Kaiser's service to crusade against the forces of evil.

The Reich has offered military aid to any settlement that cannot or will not defend itself. With the imperial claim on the Silver Crown comes a claim upon its duties as well, and the first duty of the Silver King is to defend the people of the realm, and so he shall.

God's will be done!

Niah Elz
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