Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Poster [Public Notice] To Maceo de Courtney


Lord of Altera

You claim that the charges of the Kingdom of Hawklight are false, yet you yourself saw when the boy shot me, or perhaps you missed it because you turned tail and fled like a pansy after I had crushed your man’s head in. These charges are widely acknowledged as true, and it is laughably hypocritical of you to deny them, let alone offer a mage refuge, so called “Light-Bringer”.

You speak of honoring your god, yet your own god turned their back on you when he smote your foolish toy crown. You make pacts with mages and Skraag worshippers openly because you know that you would otherwise be alone in this world.

You are a disgrace to your forefathers, your “Haven” a pitiful disgrace to the original Le Havre of which I served as a Knight. To the few who still stand with you, it is advisable to reconsider your loyalty to a known liar, coward, and fool.

Lastly, I challenge you to a duel. You are nothing but a rat, constantly scurrying away from those who would otherwise end you. In the likely event that you should decline this challenge due to your own incompetence in combat and cowardly mannerisms, it should be finally known to all that the Pest Maceo is nothing but an insignificant malignance to this realm.

OOC: This is common knowledge
