Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Inactive Puzlas Fitch


Lord of Altera

Name: Puzlas Fitch
Nickname/Alias: n/a
In Game Name: Puzlas

Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 142 lbs
Current Home: Fort Toil

Hair: Brown, almost shoulder-length
Eyes: Very dark brown
Skin: Pale
Identifying Marks: n/a
Clothing: A green hat with a feather in it, brown jacket with white shirt and metal buckle.
Weaponry: Small dagger, mostly for fish.
Prized Possessions: Hat

Fishing, gathering information.
Fears: Betrayal, feeling helpless.
Weaknesses: A very weak fighter, bad at helping people violence-wise.
Intelligence: Can read and write. Has general knowledge of the world and farming. Can read maps.
Languages: Common
Profession: Fisherman

Sometimes quiet, especially in group discussions and times of stress. Relatively friendly.
Religion or Cults: (To be added)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Short Term Goals: Find a home, make some good friends, become a better fisherman, be useful to the colony.
Long Term Goals: Drink less, become a better fisherman, find out what happened to his father.
Other info: Inspired by acts of bravery and valour.

Carries on person:
  • Small dagger in scabbard.
  • Money in pouch.
  • Fishing rod in holster (5' 10")
  • Other fishing supplies in bag.
Don't expect much from this section folks, my first character, copied from whitelist app, and I'm no writer!

Puzlas was born and raised on a farm by his father. Puzlas' mother died in childbirth and his father blames him for the death. Puzlas often returned to his home to find his father passed out on the floor, a bottle in his hand and his paperwork drenched in ale. After hearing tales of adventurers and great heroes from storytellers in the local tavern, Puzlas begged his father to let him leave the town and seek glory but it was to no avail, his father told him he needed him to stay and work at the farm. Puzlas did as he was told reluctantly, he had never enjoyed farming and also wasn't very good at it, crops would die, animals would escape, very little profit was made at the farm, barely enough to feed the two. One night Puzlas returned from milking their cows to find his father missing, he figured he was probably at the tavern, face down on the bar next to an empty tankard. The next day his father hadn't returned, Puzlas visited the tavern and asked if anyone had seen him, they told him they saw him leave the tavern but that was all. Puzlas searched the town, questioning anyone he saw, but he found nothing apart from his father's hat, green with a feather on one side, by the entrance to the town. Puzlas waited at the farm for a week before giving up hope and selling the farm, with the little money he gained he bought some basic gear and left the town in search of his father. After searching the nearby towns and surrounding areas for months, he was still left empty handed and returned to the town, his supplies diminished and his spirits low. Puzlas was forced to find work in order to survive, his uncle was a fisherman in the town nearby so he thought he could try his hand in that. Puzlas helped catch and sell fish, yet another thing he wasn't very good at, he would still think of his father and his mysterious disappearance, he vowed that one day he would find him, or at least find out what happened to him and where he went.

Friendly With
Azariah: "Doesn't talk much, seems nice enough though."
Luke Packman: "The leader of our colony, a great leader and tends to keep calm."
Ronn: "A good leader, I think he's a good fighter too, very useful to the colony."
Odette: "Very friendly, a caring girl, I like her."
Aspen Malavar: "Brave, knows what he's doing, a safe person to be around."
Victor Roichstead: "A large, simple man of few words, very strong."
Niallrys: "A very friendly and caring woman. She fishes too, good fun."
Themis: "Speaks his mind, a nice elf. Quite literally pushes me out of my comfort zone."
Auxilius: "A priest, a friendly old man."
Syrillian: "I haven't talked to her much, seems friendly."
Josh Mist: "He seems alright."
Ivy: "Does she ever talk?"
Edgar: "Barely spoken to him, but he's a doctor, seems pleasant."
Favour Coral-Hotspur: "She seems to dislike my drinking habits, as do I."
Ansgar: "A witty fellow. I haven't spoken to him much though."
Wulfric: "Argues with Ronn a lot..did he leave Odette for the colony? I'm not sure about him."
Vlad: "I haven't spoken to him at great length and he seems quite mysterious."
Estelar Hunt: "I seem to remember vomiting on her on our first meeting, regrettably."
Henry Hotspur: "Barely spoken to him although he owns Havonen, I'm sure he's nice enough."
Wary of:
Moriarty Winsor: "Shady, quite aggressive, although I can see he cares about people."
Storm Rose: "Very aggressive in the past, untrustworthy, she has been different recently though, or so I thought."
Azgir: "An earthspawn, strong and aggressive, fancied eating Aspen."
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Lord of Altera
Lots of updates to relations, If I forgot anyone, sorry, I'm tired. I'll do more updates soon!