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-=[ Questions and FAQ ]=-


Lord of Altera
: Prayer and the holding of a container of water.
Cost: 1SP
Duration: One day.
Spell: The caster blesses the equivalent to one cup’s worth of water and changes it’s qualities depending on the deity worshipped. It must remain in a container, and contact with said container must be held for at least ten seconds to fully turn its contents. The contents may be poured into another container but will turn back into water the next day. This cannot be stockpiled, for any liquid will revert back after the duration.

Not Jishrim, Skraag,or Visage: It becomes ‘Holy Water’, and is able to burn any Undead, Vyre, Mage, or individual who worships not of the Pantheon with the same heat and effect of boiling water. The burns shall heal over the span of three days. If consumed, it eases headaches and heals minor bruises or scratches. Has been known to repel supernatural entities.

Jishrim, Skraag or Visage: It becomes blood that is able to be consumed by any Vyre to the same standard as a healthy individual, and is also able to burn any Mage, and any individual who worships not of the Pantheon with the same heat and effect of boiling water. The burns shall heal over the span of three days. Has been known to repel supernatural entities.
So uuuuuuuh let's say hypothetically that someone happened to be a blessed of not jishrim, skraag or visage but was still a vyre and wanted access to that sweet sweet blood purify variant. Any ways around that or is it gonna stick with just those three gods you have to worship?


Lord of Altera
So uuuuuuuh let's say hypothetically that someone happened to be a blessed of not jishrim, skraag or visage but was still a vyre and wanted access to that sweet sweet blood purify variant. Any ways around that or is it gonna stick with just those three gods you have to worship?
I’m pretty sure it remains with the three evil boys, suggestion would be looking for a dark god worshipper and making a trade with them.


Lord of Altera
In regards to Divine tiers:

Any and all acts, dedications, offerings, shrines, that you used to attain the previous rank does NOT carry over into the next one correct? Can't use a shrine you made last rank to count towards the goal of the next?


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Mostly correct - Some people may have exceptions in having made a great shrine or something early on and it being fine to include, but thats mostly for people currently in the system and not for those coming into it. I'm fine if people want to include notes in rank up requests that they think they should have included, but it'll be case by case basis and we can discuss.


Lord of Altera
Last one I promise;

Every tier requires a certain number of acts in line with the Divine, and that they should be logged separate from events (if that's how I'm reading it correctly). So question is, how mundane are said acts? I'm thinking for the divine such as Theodorans, whose primary method of worship is through hunts, which are almost always events. Since those wouldn't count, perhaps something more mundane such as setting up traps, would that count? If not, it seems like for the more niche gods it's tough to find opportunities.

I suppose my real question is, could you maybe list some examples of significant acts just so I can get a better understanding of the scope and scale that divine staff are looking for?


... is very scientifical.
Events Staff
Lore Staff
The acts can be entirely mundane, and have nothing obliquely special about them. To know if an act is significant or not - use your own judgement. Look at other blessed of the rank you want to be, and if it's roughly in line with them, feel safe to put it on there. If you don't know, put it on there anyway. If when it comes time to be ranked up the events aren't quite significant enough, we'll tell you which and why they aren't.

An example of an act in the name of a god at an event you aren't hosting yourself could be if you worship Theodra, and you attend an event to hunt a beast, if you successfully orchestrate and pull off a trap on the beast then you can count that on your divine log because Theodra has trapping as a domain. If you are a visagite and you prioritize the rare knowledge to be found at an event over the loot, you can log that because one of Visage's tenets is to seek knowledge.

If there is an event which you are hosting or attending, but your character is spreading their faith at it - whether through being an example of a good follower or actively preaching - you can log that. If at that same event you perform an act you (emphasis: YOU) think should be considered a significant act at that same event, you can log that too as a seperate act.


Lord of Altera
With the change of oaths/vows are the blessed released from their old ones? Especially for those under T3?
Are the new oaths more of a back-and-forth with the divine team where they must be mutually agreed upon?

The way it was written kind of made it sound like a more 'involved' process, and that they might need to be redone; Sort of like artifacts but in reverse.
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Events Staff
Very Sweet
Everyone who has sworn their oaths will have to likely ask to be released from them if they are so inclined - Oaths have still been sworn to gods and I'll keep with solving that IC.
Oaths at T3 will be something discussed between the team and the player and should ideally be one of more substance but more fitted to the character from what we can see in their logs and so on.


Lord of Altera
Does holy water's supernatural repellant effect still work for mages?


Lord of Altera
Server Outreach
Does holy water's supernatural repellant effect still work for mages?
"Not Jishrim, Skraag,or Visage: It becomes ‘Holy Water’, and is able to burn any Undead, Vyre, Mage, or individual who worships not of the Pantheon with the same heat and effect of boiling water. The burns shall heal over the span of three days. If consumed, it eases headaches and heals minor bruises or scratches. Has been known to repel supernatural entities."
I don't know if this is what you mean by repellant, but this is what it does to Mages now


Lord of Altera
"Not Jishrim, Skraag,or Visage: It becomes ‘Holy Water’, and is able to burn any Undead, Vyre, Mage, or individual who worships not of the Pantheon with the same heat and effect of boiling water. The burns shall heal over the span of three days. If consumed, it eases headaches and heals minor bruises or scratches. Has been known to repel supernatural entities."
I don't know if this is what you mean by repellant, but this is what it does to Mages now
I mean can a mage use bottled holy water to repel supernatural entities.


Based on what?
Retired Staff
Probably, It's a dangerous substance for them to use though.
I think another question I'd like to ask.

Does holy water freeze/ maintain it's qualities while frozen?


Retired Staff
Couple of minor questions regarding the shift in requirements - in terms of Tier 4 specifically.

An offering of something of great personal value to the character themselves given to their Divine. Include evidence of why this offering is of importance and significance.
I know this sounds like a slightly cryptic question but does it always have to be strictly an object offering? I know it was mentioned to be an IC item but I'm curious as to how malleable these are. My Blessed has made some offerings that are... less than orthodox given her God's background (*cough cough* her newborn children *cough cough*) and I imagine the validity of this will come under scrutiny. Don't judge me.

An event held to sanctify an area/region in the name of their Divine, or the creation of a larger secondary shrine/church.
Is this an IC or an OOC area/region? My character has built a temple that held a sanctification event for a decently sized temple (albeit without Divine Presence as I believe it was before the necessity to request it on a thread) as part of my T4 requirements before being changed - so I'm sure as to the actual details of this one. The wording makes me unsure so no harm in asking.

Must have at least ten instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith.
The wording of this implies that the ten examples must be represented through the entire Divine Log from the point of creation up until present - however the preface on the post states that each requirement is not cumulative for the next tier. Could I get clarification?

The character will also be contacted via a divine servant in some form when they are T3, and an Oath will be sworn. Include this in your T4 rank-up application:
Oath sworn: "Example of Oath sworn at T3."
Lastly, what of characters currently T3 seeking T4? Should those make a note in Divine Logs/request elsewhere to retroactively add an event for swearing an Oath. I know my character made a promise at an event which her God acknowledged but I'm unsure if this satisfies the "T3 oath" requirement needed for T4.



Events Staff
Very Sweet
I know this sounds like a slightly cryptic question but does it always have to be strictly an object offering? I know it was mentioned to be an IC item but I'm curious as to how malleable these are. My Blessed has made some offerings that are... less than orthodox given her God's background (*cough cough* her newborn children *cough cough*) and I imagine the validity of this will come under scrutiny. Don't judge me.
I will let you decide and if it works, it works. These ones are big find out IC sort of things.

Is this an IC or an OOC area/region? My character has built a temple that held a sanctification event for a decently sized temple (albeit without Divine Presence as I believe it was before the necessity to request it on a thread) as part of my T4 requirements before being changed - so I'm sure as to the actual details of this one. The wording makes me unsure so no harm in asking.
Both. It needs to have a place made in game, and if this means you own a region or you get permission to put a shrine in someone elses thats fine too.

The wording of this implies that the ten examples must be represented through the entire Divine Log from the point of creation up until present - however the preface on the post states that each requirement is not cumulative for the next tier. Could I get clarification?
Each Tier has a new set of requirements. That is ten from the point of being made T3, in effort to get T4.

Lastly, what of characters currently T3 seeking T4? Should those make a note in Divine Logs/request elsewhere to retroactively add an event for swearing an Oath. I know my character made a promise at an event which her God acknowledged but I'm unsure if this satisfies the "T3 oath" requirement needed for T4.
These ones can talk to divine staff about a messenger getting sent their way to amend it.


"Something need doing?"
: Jishrim.
Tier: 3
Action: Constant prayer, and the sacrifice of an animal or individual.
Cost: 7SP
Duration: One hour cast.
Spell: With the sacrifice of an offering to Jishrim, the caster may spend the duration of the spell praying or uttering an incantation over the corpse of another follower of Jishrim, blessed or not. Using [WEAVE] they are able to spend the duration binding the corpse in thick webbing, and once the corpse is totally covered it can be left to slowly restore the body to life over a period of three days after being coated in the sacrificial blood. (2 OOC is optional.)
Should the offering be an individual, it must be a player character and not an NPC. The restored one is given the eyes of this individual permanently, even if they were blinded prior, and up to three memories of the individuals choosing. Should the offering be an animal, they will act like the animal for a day and gain the eyes of that animal in turn.
Must be an intact corpse, any pieces removed must be with it less they return without them. Corpse must be no older than one week OOC.
When players are killed then resurrected via the Jishrim spell SECOND LIFE, does this death and rezz count as a death on the Brotherhood page, or do deaths only count for the Brotherhood if it is through that resurrection system?

Also, does the mantle of life affect players who are rezzed via the second life spell?