Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Reapplication] MaelstromPuddle [Approved- Deash]


Lord of Altera
IG name: MaelstromPuddle
Any Alts: WisemanBorgir
Time gone: A week and a bit.
Character Name: Alphos Natrizi'ma
Do you understand that your character would not have gained any skills or knowledge while away?: I am aware of this.
Have you made sure to read recent announcements and the Tome of Citizenship for any changes?: I have been keeping up to date with them.

With respect: I would like to request that no-one comments on my somewhat dramatic departure and then sudden arrival. It was childish but I was depressed and I thought that I was alone, but I found out people did care about how I felt.

This is all I ask, I love you all.
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Coffee Enthusiast
Blech, I'll re whitelist you! Allow me some time to get home, juuuusstt got out of class! :heart:
Welcome back~
Sidenote: pretty sure I'm allowed to accept rewhitelist ;-;