Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Upcoming [Recurring] Beast Encounters


Legend of Altera
Lore Staff



Are you and/or your party interested in getting encounters with animals, monsters and beasts?

I will be hosting events focused on a random creature, a la spin-the-wheel style, from the Bestiary on weekends.
These will be one-shot (maybe two) sessions per party.
Rating and difficulty will depend on the creature rolled.

On this thread Ill post a small plot hook for each party.
Ill set the number of parties/events to 2 per month. Party minimum is 3 people, max 5. (This might change later as I get more DMing practice!)

You can let me know if you're interested by contacting me in an event ticket on discord (chuiden) w/ your party, and we can schedule times from there.

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Legend of Altera
Retired Staff
Lovely and I would like to sign up, I’m happy to include Kethron in our grouping. Include Absent as a potential maybe to the crew as well.


Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
Glad to see many people are interested :D. I am currently cooking up some encounters for those who have made tickets; as a reminder please open an event ticket in discord with a party of 3-5 interested as it will help me organize these.


Legend of Altera
Lore Staff

Haunted Mysterious Green Swamp.jpg

Plot Hook - Whispers drift through neighboring towns of abandoned farms and homesteads nestled on the outskirts of the marshlands, their cottages shrouded in an eerie silence; once-vibrant fields now barren, devoid of livestock's familiar bustle. Courageous farmers, armed with little more than their everyday tools, ventured into the marshes, determined to uncover the truth. Yet, as dusk settled, few returned, leaving behind distraught families seeking answers. Perhaps some are willing to reward those who would aid them.
It is to answer this call that the party converges, whether out of altruism or gain.

Rating - Violent

Party - Edger Kress, Frost, Edward Ascelin, Candice Kane, and Faith Meadow
Edouard2000 Fronslin Retro Galaxy Si10k
(Sir Leofwine Bauer Vinnycall subbing for Edger)

Date - January 7th, 2024 - 2pm EST​
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Legend of Altera
Lore Staff

Plot Hook - In the heart of New Riseport, ominous whispers circulate about a forbidden communion with the native creatures of Veil Isle. Simultaneously, a disturbing coincidence - citizens vanish without a trace, leaving shattered families and an atmosphere of dread - and more questions than answers.
A motivated party investigates.

Rating - Violent

Party - Laicelem Aethlren, Sophie Velour, Kethron Dramaign, Glomlir
xVigil Lovelyninja567 Heie AbsentUser

Date - January 15th, 2024 - 1pm EST



Legend of Altera
Lore Staff

Plot Hook - An active lumber camp south of the Dogwood Forest brings notice to a disheartening revelation: the pollinators that once lived among a vital flower have dwindled. The once-thriving species of insect teeters on the brink of vanishing from the region. Rumors circulate of enchanting melodies heard on moonlit nights, and the inexplicable glow of the flower petals, playing a part in this. Without aid, the flowers that these pollinators bloom will die, and with it, the balance of this region.
A party sets out to investigate.

Rating - Violent

Party - Netari, Alyssa Ithildran, Veldric Alraun-Dugald
Sophe Solus mageaegis
(Tiek Somnastra if available)

Date - January 20th, 2024 - 3pm EST​