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Canon Reflect


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(My profiles getting chunky. I'm moving all of Ashna's stories here because I might write more, maybe. And d'aw, it's cute to see how I wrote 2 years ago.)

Tales of Ashna Khovr- 2014


*A slow walk up the cold stone steps of The Grey Isle found a young Ashna under a few wooden pillars. Their long shadows loomed above her as the dark-orange sun set. She watched the ocean's color spring in and out from blue to green to yellow to orange. And the mix of colors darkened as the world turned to shadow. The tall statue of The Grey stood fierce with it's sword drawn upward and she sighed as she settled to lean back against its foot, hiking her hood to cover her Moor ears from the cold air. Her bow clanked in anger from between her back and the foot of the statue as she pressed against it. She sighed and glanced around, making sure no one was near.*

Hello...Mother... *She starts off in Mok’yra, slowly testing her low voice*. It is Ashna... *She gulps, realizing the mother she never got to know would not recognize her voice, let alone her figure.* I am your daughter. *She peers around, trying to figure out where to focus her voice towards and she does, the large white moon comes into view. She snorts in amusement* Sauran used to tell me that you always wore white. Remember Sauran? Your son? *She sighs* The Oldest memory I have is that of brother. *She smiles, her eyes twinkling in sadness as the memory slowly comes to her*. He was always the brave one. I looked up to him, did you know that, mother? *She shakes her head* Of course you would not.

Yes, we stayed together... I don't remember Father. I don't remember the boat ride away from the Isle. I don't remember how we were separated from him. *She pauses*

...All I remember is Sauran and I in the Sorrows, living off of stolen wheat. *Her throat catches in anger as she suddenly remembers the beatings from angry bandits. Her face becomes flushed and tears well up as she imagines the images of her childhood in vivid scenes. The hungry, cold nights. The dirt beds. The cuts. The bruises. And her brother, shielding her from it all as he hugged her during the cold nights. As he stood in front of her as they were beaten. As he. Even the thought brought frustrated tears to her eyes, forcing her to make a longer pause than necessary. And she stared at the floor, clenching her jaws in an attempt to hide the pain..*

*When she finally felt stable enough to speak, her voice was still yet soft* You do not know... how brave he was. He would have made a true knight. A hero of sorts....A Moor Elf, a Hero. He would have broken so many barriers. *She scoffed and wondered all the same. The image of her brother was blurry to her now. Time has passed since...and all she remembered was a wolfish smile and pointy ears*.

His grave is somewhere in the Sorrows.

*Her tone turned from wonder to resentment* He is gone now. What good did it do him, to fight so often? When I always asked him not to. He would. And he would come back grinning to me- *Her voice partly breaks* He was broken, Mother. I do not know who broke him, but all he did was fight. He said he felt alive when he was being beaten- *Her tears faded as she numbly remembered the pain.* When..when he killed. *She took a deep breath* Yes...your son killed. And he liked it.

I only knew of it then...We had a home once. We lived with an elderly Halfling couple in the Sorrows. They were the kindest folk I had ever seen. They taught us many things. How to cook meals. How to farm. How to build. *Her voice still cracks as she gives a broken smile towards the moon* They were wonderful parents. And I- I went to gather some wood one day. It was a long day, but I was so proud of gathering so much wood. I...I came home and he was.....Sauran was standing over their....bloody corpses. He was grinning, Mother. *She hissed* He was licking their blood from his hands. And he...He was laughing.

(so much tragic backstory drama <_< - 2/16/17)

*The feelings overwhelms her and she shivers as she hugs herself. She hunches over as she tries to get a grasp on reality. Breathing heavily, she slowly wipes her sleeve to her nose and looks up*

He left me, then. He saw me there. He got up and stared at me with dead eyes.. or frightened eyes. I cannot remember.. He was scared.. or hateful. I thought he was going to strike me as he rushed towards me...but when I finally opened my eyes. I noticed he was gone. He ran away.

And I....I had...I had to clean up his mess.

*She sniffs, feeling her nose running and she wipes her sleeve to it again* I'm babbling I know *She murmurs*. It is...It is not something I want to say out loud. Or even think about...They were kind folk, the Halfling couple. They were.. *Her thought broke off as she went back to reminiscing about them*.

*Moments ticked by and the night grew darker. Ashna perks her head up to the moon as she hears the wind sweeping up the leaves into the air* Where was I? Ah, yes Sauran. *she pauses yet again* After I left the Halfling's home and graves, I ended up fending for myself. It is a hard life for a Moor elf, I was just.. weak. *She shakes her head* I didn't exactly run with the morally good Moor clan of beings, but what choice did I have? I pillaged when I was asked to. I stole when I was told to. They were horrid. But they knew how to live. I did it all to survive. But...there was one thing I would never do...I was never going to turn into him.

I maintained that throughout my life so far.

*She gave a half-wry smile as she looked down in front of her. Her eyes were not focused on anything* It has been more than several years since I heard anything of my birth family. I did not need one. I did not need a hateful brother. I did not need a Father. I did not need you, Mother. *Each time she said "mother", there was a tone of hesitation, dislike and she spoke the word with distaste*. But...after years and years...I wanted to know why. Why did you leave us? Why did father leave us? Who were you exactly? Were you important? Did you do anything? Were you hateful like him? Were you kind? I just wanted to know. The burning questions tortured me throughout my life...

And when I finally found out... *She smiled cruelly upwards at the moon* I realized the truth was much more horrific than anything I could imagine.

*She pauses and glances around the cold Isle air. Afraid she may be overheard.* This is the place. The place you and father met. Where you both came in refuge from the clan wars east of here. I know. I know this now. I found your diary. *Her gaze travels around from the moon to the ground feeling slightly guilty about opening the past doors that should be left forgotten. But she tenses up again, still harboring anger.* You must have been young. I did not need to know such details of your....courtship with father. *grimaces at the thought, remembering the words she read a few nights ago. She relaxes back against the foot of the statue, and reaches into her pouch pulling out a book. Her mother's diary. She opens it and slips through the pages quickly, already knowing its contents.*

You were a Herbalist, hmm? What good did learning plants do you? You should have learned to /fight/! *She pauses and recalls the diary her mother wrote. Her frustrated words revolved around wanting to stop the cycle of death in her family's clan.* You did not want to be like that either. Like a "traditional" Moor. *Ashna frowns* But brother ended up like that all the matter if you tried to push away your bloodline.

And father? Why did you meet such an cruel Moor? He was no better than whatever clan you came from. Another Moor stuck in the darkness. He was one of them. *she hisses* An Acolyte of the "Grey". *Her eyes quickly dart around in the darkness. The mention of the Evil name strikes fear to all inhabitants of the isle, or so she heard.*

He killed. He sacrificed your neighbors /children/. *Ashna exaggerates. She doesn't really know how cruel an Acolyte was. She only heard of horrors from others and stories when she first set fresh feet on the Isle a few months ago. But she continues all the same*. And you loved him?! *She shakes her head in horror*. He was nothing. He was a....a monster.

*Her voice trails off*

You lived with him for so long..*She says as she flips through the pages of the book again. Passing through her mother's witness of her father's misdeeds at the bars and Inns. And how he told her he took the ill and old back to the Grey. Angry and a divulguer of secrets though he was, he never seemed to have told her why.*

...But...but..what happened after I was born? *She pauses and glances up at the white shining moon. Then towards the open book in her hands. The writing stops on one day and ends with:

"-and so he told me I will be well. But I do not feel so. The sickness grows stronger and I fear my children will catch it. I have sent them away off the isle. They will be blessed in a nice warm home. It is far too cold here. Kaz'an has told me not to worry too much. That the children will be fine. But he does not care for them as much as I do. He is far too preoccupied by his own world.

I must rest now. Farewell on this day of Frost.


It says as much as that me and Sauran were sent away. But then what? What happened to you? *She looks up frustrated and sets the book away, folding her arms. She sighs.* I have no more news than that. You two are gone. And I am now right back where you did not want me, years later.

*She smirkes* How was I to know you lived here? It was not coincidence. I came here on a whim. To leave the noisy towns I had been roaming around. But I did not want to go back to those untamed Sorrows. No, I wanted an actual home and I found this Isle. I heard tales of a secluded island. But I did not know what secrets it held. Secrets such as the Grey.

Secrets such as my family line here...

All dead though. You are all dead and gone. *Her voice cracks again* I am alone. All alone again. I have no one. *She sniffs* I have had no one for years now. And what now? Now I find out I had you two here all along. But you are still dead and gone. The Grey Lady has taken you all away from me.

Well guess what. *Her voice gains strength, although her eyes are misty.* I do not need you. I do not need father. I do not need Sauran. I am well enough by myself and no one will change that. No one can change that.

I can live by myself, for myself, and be happy.

I can do it. I'll show you. I'll show all of you.

*She gives the moon one last glare and stands up straight, trudging up the stone steps back home. Never looking back. Never wanting to look back.

She moves forward*

... *The cold stone walls of the cell kept her shivering. She hugged her blood soaked body in an effort of comfort. But it failed terribly. She would not cry. She would not move. And she stared numbly at the iron door...waiting for it to swing open....for him to arrive to take her. Scenes of the frowning face before her clouded her senses but she forced them back. Time ticked away as the dust settled in. No one came with food. No one came with water. She sat starved and weakened as the hollow feeling inside her grew and grew.

...A soft clack and the door before her would open. Standing just out of lighting, he would call to her in his scratchy deep voice. "Come". The word would echo throughout her cell and she would slowly get up on her shaky legs as if she was a sprung-up toy following orders, wondering what he wanted to teach her this time. He would lead her away from the others. Away from the Alchemist, the Queen's Wench, the Pirate. All those she knew, some she held close than others, but he was the only one she looked to. The only back she followed. Not out of fear. Not anymore. But out of curiosity.

Step. Step.

Trudging past the strange adobes, the eerie sounds of the Planar Realm surrounded them as they arrive upon a small closed off room. And he would lead her in and shut the door...

She would learn. She would listen. She would try to understand how he thought. How he saw the world. It was not as strange as she would have imagined. She agreed with some of his ideals. And some not so much. But she dared not say it. She only nodded. She only watched.

Passive. Submissive. Days have gone by and they have noticed her change. She was not as talkative. As outspoken. As open as she once used to be. No more feelings, she tried to push her feelings away. No more emotions, she did not need emotions to bring her down. She followed behind him, ignoring them whispering. Them talking behind her back. That she was not the Moor they used to know. Not the kind one. Not the innocent one.

But innocence is a lie. No one is innocent. And the red markings on her raggy clothes were a reminder as time ticked by.

It was her own fault. She did not question why she should do it. She had no qualms with the Queen's Wench. The foolish man only wished to see her again. And the sweet brownie she never ate lay underneath the wooden table in her cell. She would look at it and think of his pained expression. That she would follow the one he disliked so much. But she had ignored all that. She had hurt him so that they could live in peace.

The one she followed wanted him to pass on to The Grey Lady. But she knew he would go back to Shalherana. To live again. They all wanted to live again. So why pass on this peace if they do not wish it? She had finally asked. She had finally found some courage to ask.

Perhaps it was the Alchemist that brought it upon her as he looked to her in horror. His shock struck her heart in bolts of arrows and she had tried to keep a straight expression. But she trusted him. She admired him. And seeing him change his view on her, to see him hurt by what she had done..

She did not want that.

Perhaps it also was the strange corrupted woman who helped her once. This mother-like figure she had seen a few times. Defending her. Worrying about her. Asking her not to be so submissive. Telling her he was forcing his opinions on her. And she quietly listened to the strange wolfish woman as her silver hair flicked over her face. Not agreeing as was her way. But understanding.

She understood.

She became more curious, then. The questions that burned her, she had finally asked. And he did not disappoint her. He had his answers. The one she followed. He listened to her. He listened while she asked and he answered. Amazed as she was, she become more curious about him. But he was not an open book. Though she did manage to tear off a few pieces to sneak a peek at the words.

And she would flip through the books in his house, wondering how much longer she could quietly listen and follow. How he may get tired of her. Of her questions. Of her refusal to kill now. For she had asked and he agreed. But she knows he may change. He was like a calm storm and she did what she could to keep it at bay.

And she worried about the things to come.*

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She steps around the silent grave slowly, uncertainly. As her eyes lay upon the dimly lit scenery, she sighs. Her steps barely echo as she closes in towards the edge of the crypt. Clasping her hands in front of her, she bows her head slightly; staring down at the long, dark stone. The night void envelopes her as she silently admires the rough, natural carvings of the grave; trying not to let her mind wander to what lies underneath.

..yet it does soon enough.

She unclasps her hands and hovers her left palm over the stone. Her voice is small, quiet and meek as she speaks. As if speaking loudly could wake the unknown.


She glances around, keeping her voice low as her eyes turn back down.

"...I hope...The Lady has judged you fairly. I wonder- Are you with your family? With Dulin and the others? .... Or has.. The Lady decided otherwise?"

Her hand lands on the cold stone as the rain drops start to sprinkle down upon her. (cue rain.)

"You are really gone." She bows her head more, nodding down to stare at the floor. "Cruel- You called me that once. But you are more cruel... You reigned down into my life, pulled me away- .. " Her tone is saddened and broken. She keeps the small knot of irritation under check and control. "..- from my life. Seeped your ideals upon me, clueless that I was; an open book. And once I decided to break away, you wrecked havoc upon others claiming it to be my doing..."

"Cruel? ..Me?" *She runs her hand down across the cold stone. "..I only tried to stop you- maybe to help you understand the past hope." She runs her hand back up the cold stone and stops. "...Why should I explain myself to you? ... How could you just disappear? - Right when I was starting to figure out how to stop you- how to help myself. Now I am back in darkness again. I do not know where I should go.

...Lost... I lost?... why do I think so?"

The rain pours down more heavily as time ticks by. Soaked to the bone- she shivers, finally feeling the cold reach her skin.

"What are you to me? What was I to you? ...Even in death- Why can you not leave me alone?"

She pushes her right foot a few inches forward to the touch the grave in a mock-kick before pulling it back to stand on. She shivers again under the cold, pulling her hand back and turning abruptly.

"...Farewell, -" She whispers his name one last time before stepping off the stone grave; away from the dark, rainy night. Her steps echo around as her mind wanders, wondering what life may be like now.

She who judges upon death. She who guides lost souls to the afterlife.

She who reigns nine realms of the departed.. sought one who would lead others to her ways.

Upon a quiet preaching of the Lady in the Grand Shrine of the Pantheon- there came a silent wind

that swept away the dust in the small partitioning. Eyes widened as she stepped through the shrine glass- an inhuman stillness about her. She stood stoic and silent, her robes briefly moving upon her calculated movements.

"It was not her time."

Her voice softly whispered through the air. The weight of every word- a burden upon the heart. For just a moment, time seemed to stop, the world caught in a strange pause as one condemned to Death is brought back unto the Living. A soft hush in the air- and a being is folded into the world from another space.

"... I have made my choice.

And I have chosen."

She whispers a few words to the purple robed Moor that appeared that bowed before her and soon vanishes at the blink of an eye.

Intent and meaning is everything. What you feel, what you say, what you portray. It effects those around you whether you agree with it or not. Your praises effect others. Your vile words effect others. You have that impact in you. Own up to it.

Intent and meaning means nothing. There is only the action done. It matters not what you feel or what you said. What others told you. What occurred before the act begun. What matters is what you did. Ignorant of it or not. You did what you did. Own up to it.


Given the choice. Have you changed at all?

He has.
He will never.
He hasn't.
He has.
She hasn't.
He may have. But no more.
She does not seem to have.
She hasn't. But no more.
He has.
He has.
She has.
He has.
He hasn't.
She has.
He has.
It seems she hasn't.
She hasn't.
She has.
She will never.
She might, but doubt.

Forgiveness over judgement.
Judgement over forgiveness.

Two cannot coincide.. Even if balance is attempted.
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A half-eaten meat, stuck tight on a bone, is dropped into the dirt and grass before her, smearing against her boot. Her eyes flicker open to eye it carefully, as the smell of soot and meat wafted into the air around them.

"<Eat.>" The word became more insistent, harsh. The Moor with several scars across his chest and face stared down at her. His short grey hairs, tipped with red, managed to cover a gash on his forhead. A silhoette against the noon light. His dagger shone gleefully to his waistbelt, mocking any that laid eyes on it. He'd look at her in disgust before turning to join a cluster by the campfire, eating their own meals and gnawing on the bones of flesh. She's left alone on the treestump.. to stare at the meat-stick, mournfully.

"<I think he likes you.>" An elder woman would chuckle beside her. Her hands curved around a small knife and an apple, her sleeves rolled up. Her hair tied up in a knot behind her, pulling tightly and showing her face clear as day. A pile of peels form between her own boots as she'd look at her with sing-song eyes. Wrinkles formed below them and she smelled of lavender. The Moor would stare back at her sullenly.

"<I do not like him.>" She'd reply.. leaning over to pick up the meat-bone before her stomach could shame her. But she'd whisper this.. flicking a gaze over to the campfire to make sure they did not hear. She'd turn the meat-stick in her hand.. sniffing it.. inspecting it.. "<Which meat?>"

The woman meerly smirked.. Tutting in responsing. "<Eat what you are given, Moor. It's the best you'll ever get.>"

She'd frown and swallow carefully, defeated and hungry. Her ashen skin was smeared with dirt and her hair in strains of pale-brown now, not grey.. un-recognizable, even to herself. Her hand rubbed some dirt from her cheek to un-conciously clean it.. then wiped some dirt off the meat, before she'd lean over to softly munch on it.

She did as she was told.

The sun began to set, soon after. A few howls could be heard in the cold wind. The moor kneeled behind a distant tree, far away from the loud bellows of the campfire. The shadows of the moors danced large and emboding between the trees. Her fingers caked with moist dirt and she'd stiffle a sound as her stomach churned. She'd lick her lips from the acidic taste in her mouth, covering up her folly in a small dug-out hole. She'd sniff and curl herself to sleep in the crook of the tree, arms wrapped around herself. A crecent moon shone between the treeleaves, soothing her to sleep. Only the soft ache in her throat troubled her night.

"<You wanna know how to get out of this hell-hole?>"


A large, flat blade dripped in fresh blood as the head of a furred animal rolled and dropped to the floor from the otherside of the table. She wrinkled her nose, face fearful of the headless beast that layed dead between the scarred man and herself. He'd laugh at her fear, then wiped the blade against the fur of the animal to clean it. His other grey arm steadied it. A bucket set below the table, collecting the blood that fell.

"<You'll eat this one, wontcha, Moor?>" He'd grin again, mocking her.

She'd not respond. Her voice caught in her throat, but she'd stare at him. Not relenting. He'd scoff at her and slipped the blade to its side, beginning to skin the deer.

"<Now why would you want to leave? This?..>" *He'd raise a free hand- guesturing behind the open tentflap that showcased the lit carts and tents and campfire and moors. "<This is /home/.>"

"<Not mine.>" She'd mumble in response, eyes downcast.

"<Then where is yours?>"

His question was met with silence. His mocking grin faded as the room began to fill with more sounds of deer-skinning. He'd eventually stop, half-way finished. He'd lift the cutting blade to point at her. She'd shrink back, startled and scared. One sneer and she'd stop moving.

"<You'd be good for my boy when you're grown, Tel'. Eat, cook, live. 'S how we survive. 'S who we are. Not with those pink skins.>" He'd spit out the insult as he lowered the cutting blade.

Hesitation flickered across her face before she responded meekly. "<Home has our kind.. I think.>"

"<Dead. I'm sure of it.>" He'd say wryly, continuing the skinning. She'd frown then, watching his hands, sure that he was as un-relenting as she was. Her mind raced for a way.. any way.

"<I'll work for you.. everyday.. for coin.>"

He'd pause, only then. The mocking grin returned to his face. <"Not that easy.. You'll be workin' for a long time, Moor.">

She'd bow her head in response. <That is fine..>

With that, he'd twirl the blade in his hand to hold the handle outwards. She'd eye it, uncertain.. then moved over, her stomach churning in apprehension. Her hand grasped around it, carefully. He'd guesture towards the headless deer, stepping back as the weight of the blade sunk in.

"<Skin it. Chop it. ..Cut the horns on the head after. I could use 'em.>" He'd bark orders as he'd hold the deer for her. The thought of a home she did not know much of, save for stories, something un-reachable, gave her pause, then. Doubt flickered across her face on this slim chance to find it.. but she swallowed her dry throat after a shake of her head.

And she did as she was told.
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My wifi went haywire the past few days, and all I could do was poke everyone else in staff to coordinate things. (Sorry guys- tough week).
I spent my time without wifi in hell- I mean... I wrote a new blip called "Memory", which isn't much, but the usual blabbering of anything that comes to mind. Although I attempted to keep with a theme.