Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Rogan Strider


Lord of Altera
Name: Rogan Strider
Nickname/Alias: Strider
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Pure Human
Height: 6.2
Weight: Average
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark
Skin: Tan
Identifying Marks: Tired, cold and hungry. A mercenary approaches from the horizon in the east, barely standing as his head is about to fall to the ground. He approach you and does not only ask you for food and comfort. He asks you for work.
Appearance: Muscled dark character, normally seen with a sword at his side.
Strengths: His sword-arm, and his will-power.
Weaknesses and fears: Anything to do with to do with religion and how many times he have sinned within that religion.
Religion and cults: None.
Profession: Mercenary.


King Oguk

Earthspawn King
I dont get the identifying marks bit as far as im aware it that should be scars , moles , missing eyes or whatever the tired, cold and hungry bit makes sense but the : "A mercenary approaches from the horizon in the east, barely standing as his head is about to fall to the ground. He approach you and does not only ask you for food and comfort. He asks you for work" I dont get it unless thats what he does everytime someone approaches him?


Lord of Altera
Well I really didn't get the part: Identifying marks. So I put something to represent a major part of his personality.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
So if he has a huge facial scar put that its how to recognise him so im a earthspawn (orc) so a pretty big giveaway its me is im green lol