Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Roleplay, receive picture [1st week, Ended]

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Lord of Altera
It's that easy-

I know a lot of Roleplay happens in Altera daily, but I want to help support and encourage people to RP even more! So this is what's going to happen. Once a week I will post a thread like this one and request a few simple things (that most rpers should already have) then pick one winner to draw their RP and start the game again the next week. So first, let's go through the rules:

1. You must have a character profile and follow the rules of the server. This means no OP stuff and one character per minecraft account. (When I say OP, I mean overpowering everyone you come across so you always win ._. )

2. This one is just personal, but I don't wish to draw any characters dying. So no screenshots of that please.

3. Don't fake RP just to try get a picture of your character, if I find out I'll be putting you on the "never to draw" list. This is a nice offer to players and I refuse to be used like that.

4. Don't post anything else except what I ask, if you don't listen to me, then I wont listen to you :p.

Okay, here's the instructions!
You're having a fun RP, probably staying up insanely late and maybe the idea crosses your mind.. "I should take a screenshot!" Well, you'd better press F5 first and take two, because those screenshots could win you a full coloured picture :D.

Incase those instructions aren't good enough, here they are in steps:

1. Roleplay
2. Have fun
3. Take two screenshots (one showing text to show what's happening, a second to show the characters)
4. Post screenshots here, not full size but as thumbnails.
5. Do not post anything else. Keep it tidy.
6. Don't nag me :I

You can enter 2 RP's, but I will only select one RP to draw and the contest will start all over again next week.

The RP doesn't have to be something epic, it doesn't even have to be dramatic, it could be you and your friends sitting in the Laughing Lamb and enjoying a good story. It could even be as simple as travelling with a friend on the ships.

Anyway, I was going to have 2 examples of types of RP pictures I could draw for people, but I didn't have the time to xD.
Here's a sketch of an example: rppic1.png
And here's my most recent art thread (Even though it's chibis) :


Lord of Altera
I should've pointed out, they can only be RP's from now onwards xD. Otherwise it wouldn't be encouraging RP at all ._. just screenshot hoarding


Lord of Altera
(the RP at the moment was just NINJA1492[me], dinogirl and bulldogsteven. that other text is another RP)


It was one of the best RP's I have ever had, long ago.
I can't take a picture of it blank right now, because it was LONG ago.
That was when I was in Yearnem.


Lord of Altera
[quote="SallyRose, post: 190222,]
5. Do not post anything else. Keep it tidy.

Can I slap them Sally?? :p

Please delete.. I has no screenies :(

Edit: Quote hates me...


Lord of Altera
This weeks winner is Jakp25 and here's his prize picture. I'll be posting another RP thread tomorrow, with better details on the rules (yay tl;dr!)
Contest picture 1.png
(Also they're in Wintermourne Eyrie, incase anyone was wondering)
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