Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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RWG Power Application [ Declined - Jase]

RWG power

RWG Power's Whitelist App:
{Introduction Section}

Minecraft Username: RWG Power

Age: 19

Country & Timezone: AUZ/australia

Read the Kings Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides?: Yes

Define Metagaming & Powergaming?: when a play attempts to use a backstory or some kind of hind knowledge that's not within the lore to gain an advantage

Do we allow Xray mods or X-Ray texture packs?: No

Tell us about yourself!: I'm a full-time worker that was born in Australia, loved playing on roleplaying servers on the Xbox one Minecraft version recently got into PC gaming, and wished to try out more roleplaying servers. I'm also into many other games and RP, such as D&D Warhammer40k and others.

Referral: N/a found online


{Character Section}
Character Name: Mandarin godsive I

Age: 19

Race: Moor elf

Appearance: My hair is white my skin is dark like my brother's, I'm slimmer than most elves of my kinda with me being also shorter, I was the clothes that my father gave to me that is a long woolen robe.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin: Attach on the thread

Written Test (Min: 400 words): " Well, what are you waiting for Mandarin. Cant, you already do what I've asked for, do I need to say it over and over. why ow why do your children never listen. " " But father, " " but nothing the elders have had it with you being the village's bumbling oath. today you had one job, what was that job. " " milk the cows " " yeah right milk the cows, what did you do instead " " but I did dad, i did milk the cows. " "lie to me one more time, dam how can you grow up the elders have tried and tried. you have been a beat boy we have tried everything, and today. you go out with your other friends to the cows and somehow to get them to lose all over the town and then and then after that somehow managed to burn down our farm shed how did you do this son how. " " well dad with the cows it was Jameson that dwarf he must have set them loose he's the one that rounded them up, must be him trying to look for payment, and the shed was him too to cover up his ploy. I went to the shed and it was already burning." "how in the heavens are you my son, how in the elders have you grown up to this, when the elders hear this one. SO for one, you lie to my face. " " father" " for once maybe listen and you won't get beat, you are going to pay back the repair on that barn do I make myself clear, if you don't I will take you from this clan myself and ship you to the land of men. are we understood oaf, " yes father "


"Something need doing?"
Hey RWG Power,
Thanks for your application to Hollowworld. Unfortunately there are a few things which I am going to need you to fix before I can whitelist you:
- Your written story is a good start, but please make the effort to correct your spelling and punctuation where its needed. It is difficult for me to understand it currently. Formatting the story appropriately would be appreciated as well.
- Your powergaming definition and metagaming definitions should be given separately. (So I can be sure that you know the differene between the two.)