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Sal Kai Silverhand "The wondering elf"


Legend of Altera
Name: Sal Kai Silverhand
Nickname/Alias: Kai
Age: 21 or 22.. in elf years 210 or 220
Gender: male
Race: Silverhand elf
Height: undecided
Weight: undecided
Hair: brown
Eyes: a deep blue
Skin: slightly pale because of his weak heart
Identifying Marks: a small mark around his right eye
Appearance: he's tall and ageless like most elfs, his long brown hair down his shoulders. his penetrating blue eyes seem to stare into ones soul. his hands and touch light as a spiders for his healing, and he is always in robes of red and white.
Strengths: his very high deffence abilities aswell as healing.
Weaknesses and fears: he greatly lacks offence but makes up with his powerfull deffence, his fear is losing his adopted daughter, or losing his family.
Religion and cults: Silver hand, a cleric under the elven god.
Profession: Cleric healer.

Some knew him as Kai Alak Dreamer. that was before he had his mind erased, a new set of memories in place, transformed into an elf. he took to his new role kindly now knowing of his past, an unusual nack for healing. he began his new life. so begins the old story of a new life. Sal Kai Dreamer. the wondering elf.

"Another gorgus day eh sister?" said Kai, point ears twitching as the cold air blew past them, his question was directed at faye, though he had many sisters and brothers. "yes kai.. it is." she smiled at him, he returned it. the elder among this sister aswell as her mentor. he grew rather fond of the girl, saw her more as an adopted daughter than a sister. he taught her how to make various healing potions, aswell as using herbs to heal various wounds,infections and of the sorts. she let out a giggle as a sheep ran bye, chasing its lamb he watched her fondly as she gazed at the lamb, its stubby wobley legs. He took out his pen, a leather bound spell book aswell. he carried it with him always, he showed her various runes, incantations, and spells. he loved how she seemed to soak up every word he spoke keeping it in her own little book. "Soon dear, your book will be full of your own spells." seeming delighted she poked him. "but all you do is teach me healing and deffence! i need to be able to attack." he smiled, they have been down this road many many times. "Why kill or injure someone when you can simply disarm or deffend? a soft spoken word reaches more to the heart than a blade to the chest... a fireball to the body." she furrowed her brows, lips puckered. she always did this when she was deep in thought. "But.. what if the words wont reach them?" he closed his book, stood up, his hand held out to assist her. "Then you disarm. and if you do chose to injure. always go bye the code i taught you," give me a dying enemy, and ill make him a healed friend. she nodded. following him to the castle, "another day of learning!" she thought.

"give me a enemy, ill make him a healed friend." Sal Kai Silverhand.

I often wonder, why i am obsessed with keeping my journal.. something about how the quil feels as it runs along the paper. my toughts,emotions, transfered to this parchment. this day i went out on a errand, i recived a letter from a stranger... his brother came home with strange and serious injuries, so of course i set out. upon entering the home i could tell this was a human paitent, but the gods call me to heal all regardless. the lad lay in a bed. "bye the gods and their children what is this!?" his body was bent at a very odd angle, black lines, arches, and markings all over his body.. and moving! setting to work quickly i cut off some of the skin holding this black substence. i watched as it seemed to reach for me.. instantly i knew. the same parasite my friend and daughter had... i had to work quicker than i thought. cutting open my own hand i pressed it against his teeth. almost collasping from the pain. the black slowly drifting off his body and into my hand. he staggered out after refusing payment and food, wishing to return home... how long until this thing kills me.. i already have four in my body.

"i said i would give my life to help people... seems i just might." Sal Kai Silverhand.

"if the last fight shall come, my hand will be with my brothers as we wield the sword against our last enemy.." Sal Kai Silverhand.

ah ha! i found that damned journal, blasted thing was hiding i have alot to cover to... where to begin... perhaps with our loss in the family, Aze our brother fell to the dark queen, wether bye human influence or his own will, we do not know...he almost killed his own wife and my daughter, so he has been ended... his soul rest in peace, with the gods.. it was a sad day but the war was won, with many injuries...... the widow asirel, she needed a home, a table to eat on, i lent mine. i was always fond of this elf, aye very fond.. a romance brew over the next couple of weeks. one that i hope will blossom into a larger flower... one can always hope..
"Azerath Silverhand... brother... friend... family.. may he rest in peace." Sal Kai Silverhand, Shoo Silverhand, Asirel luik Silverhand, Faye-ette Silverhand, Luna and Dawn silverhand, Flax Silverhand.. the family has shortened..

A bird flew in, a letter from uthrandir requireing a cleric. it seems a body was found on the outskirts, rushing there i found a elf who took another and myself to this body. what i found was very... disturbing, troubleing, even scary. all organs and bloody flow worked perfectly, however there was no life energy... the soul was missing.. the body lived on, this.... beast sucks the soul of its victims.. very sad indeed... our next month was devoted to finding all we could about this demon, a portal was discovered aswell as a trail of blood leading to a cave, the demon seems to travel in and out bye this, i had a plan to relive the portal's past.. but noone has volintired to go with, i will wait untill i have a friend to come, perhaps shoo? books where found stating a ritual to summon this beast to our relm... this led us to belive someone on the outside has been summoning it... unless it can travel on its own... grave news indeed. the days drag on.. and always more and more problems...

"a soul for a soul, a life for a life, the beast from the nether, come to cause strife" unknown source.


Roleplay keeper
will you please explain.. i think alot is confused that you just change like that without telling what happend <.<


Legend of Altera
Some knew him as Kai Alak Dreamer. that was before he had his mind erased, a new set of memories in place, transformed into an elf. he took to his new role kindly now knowing of his past, an unusual nack for healing. he began his new life. so begins the old story of a new life. Sal Kai Dreamer. the wondering elf. its all right here


Legend of Altera
noone knows, he lost his memories :O! i may elaborate this is just what i thought up for the moment. wrote it down so not to forget


Lord of Altera
Very good :D
But, you know your character's name is listed as Kai Silverhand on Bellon's list right? :p