Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Sallana Temple Auction


Daedric Prince

Here's a second build that I am auctioning off, this one is especially going to be hard to let go! A lot of thought and effort was put into it. The main part of the temple has an enormous mural of Sallana's personification within, which is in my opinion, the coolest part. I am hoping it can go to someone who will enjoy it for a long time. It is not pasted into the world, but in creative still. It is finished, fully furnished, and is up to the buyer to have it pasted into the world wherever they please!

If you'd like to take a closer look and explore, it is in Creative2 at: -9 4 -1543

This is going to start off at a 30k bid, ending on 6/23/23.

Here are some more pictures!

Important Note: like all of my builds, this was built with Conquest, so as you can imagine it won’t look good in default.
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Events Staff
Very Sweet
I just want to say how beautiful it is, and that if I had a place for it I'd grab