Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Scardrac Dormus


Lord of Altera
Kindly stop such claims of being over-powered. Rather, explain why you may think so.
The horse trampling where you tried stampeding Tybs three times fast, almost where I could barely type. Just ignore it, I'm slightly agrevated right now on certain things that deal with combat mechanics


The horse trampling where you tried stampeding Tybs three times fast, almost where I could barely type. Just ignore it, I'm slightly agrevated right now on certain things that deal with combat mechanics
Mmn. I seems you ignored the explanation that I gave that resumed the RP. It was one time. The other two, the horse purposefully missed everyone. Now I am not going to argue. Take that into account when you start claiming Scardrac to be overpowered. Otherwise, if you don't like dealing with combat, stop getting into those situations.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Scerdrec dont be so r00d

Hi dude. We often take complaints of OP and Metagaming very, very seriously. More important, this appears to be very bothering the thread creator. Might you kindly base these claims (Or take them officially to a Staff Member), or - in the advent this is simply messing around- advertise it to be such?


Lord of Altera
It's not messing around, I looked at his app and it seemed to me to be OP.
Looking through both his application and his character profile and carefully analysing both, I can't find any trace of extreme advantages, either through backstory or as development.

The only part of the application where "power through backstory" of the applications of that time could potentially be displayed was the following:

6. Please provide a lengthy in-character introduction.
My name is Scardrac Vorkus... and I am part of a massive family bloodline of heroes and scholars... I choose a different path though, mine. Not to be a trained assassin... or the powers of a demigod... or to corrupt myself as a demon... I wish to help those, and make them as they go through their lives. With the armor and blade of my father, crafted with his own life... I will slice the evil away into the crevices into the dark and make the day brighter for the world. I will learn the path of light, and try and grow my own power my own way... I am Scardrac Vorkus, and this is my legend...
The only elements I find here are:

a) "A bloodline of heroes and scholars", which has no effect on the power of Scardrac whatsoever.
b) "Not to be a trained assassin... or the powers of a demigod...", which, y'know, specifically states that he won't be OP.
c) "Armor and blade of my father, crafted with his own life...", which I doubt had any power.
d) The rest is miscellaneous of promises to help and banish the darkness.

In conclusion: I can't see what is OP.


Looking through both his application and his character profile and carefully analysing both, I can't find any trace of extreme advantages, either through backstory or as development.

The only part of the application where "power through backstory" of the applications of that time could potentially be displayed was the following:

The only elements I find here are:

a) "A bloodline of heroes and scholars", which has no effect on the power of Scardrac whatsoever.
b) "Not to be a trained assassin... or the powers of a demigod...", which, y'know, specifically states that he won't be OP.
c) "Armor and blade of my father, crafted with his own life...", which I doubt had any power.
d) The rest is miscellaneous of promises to help and banish the darkness.

In conclusion: I can't see what is OP.
.. Oh i remember that application thingy. That was a re-app, actually. That part was actually supposed to be read in a really cheesy action movie trailer narration voice thing. Was half for lels.