Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Seaha The Demon Of The Mind


Lord of Altera
Name: Seaha
Nickname/Alias: Sea
Age: ?
Gender: ?
Race: I guess he's an elf... (uses The body of Gizmoon as a transport)
Height: 5 foot and 3 inches
Weight: about 6 stone
Hair: No hair
Eyes: One completely white and the other is red
Skin: I guess you could say that it's black
Identifying Marks: Marks all over Sea's face
Appearance: An elven figure who is covered completely with the soul of a demon.
Strengths: Being able to read minds and project images into others' minds
Weaknesses and fears: Sea doesn't know what his weakness is as he has never really done anything on that subject. Sea is heavily scared of the corruption. (the only time you will see Sea in Gypsy Camp is when he's with other people.
Religion and cults: Sea doesn't have any religion.
Profession: Sea doesn't have any profession.

In the Gizmoon's family, the 5 demons have lived inside every firstborn male for 8 generations. The Demon of Strength, Deash, Tried to destroy Gizmoon at one point. He failed very badly because it turned out to be him that was destroyed. Little did Gizmoon know that Seaha was helping him with everything. On a very rainy day aat Gypsy Camp, Daheas, The demon of Speed, Actually killed Gizmoon. All of the demons scattered to distant lands except Seaha. Seaha stayed and took control of Gizmoon's dead body as a transport. Thus began the true story of Seaha.