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Season 3 Lag Issues


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
As the title says, I have had horrendous ping related lag issues on lol ever since the season 3 patch.
Is there anyone else with this problem?
Does anyone know if there is a way to fix it?

At this point playing lol has been impossible due to constant three second delay lag spikes.


The original mute
I've not been experiencing any lag spikes recently. I guess all ther is for it is to shake your fist at the air and scream "damn you riot, stop breaking the game"
Yes, I get ping up to 250 in games for no reason with only skype and LoL and running, as matyio said :

"damn you riot, stop breaking the game" - Matyio


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
Mine fixed itself after a recent patch, though ping still isn't what it used to be. 100ish compared to 50ish pre-season 3. Better than the 500+ ping I was getting at the start of the season x_x
As the title says, I have had horrendous ping related lag issues on lol ever since the season 3 patch.
Is there anyone else with this problem?
Does anyone know if there is a way to fix it?

At this point playing lol has been impossible due to constant three second delay lag spikes.
I've had that too, Atleast It's being better now


Zalenfal Guardian
I'm having lag issues with it as well, although it's not to do with my ping as that's been keeping steady around 25-35.


The original mute
I checked my ping with my server before the match, it was 36 for uk based, on lol that should about double. I went up to 999 ping for 3 seconds.


Lord of Altera
Ping can also be a problem with your own internet connection, don't blame everything on Riot Games.
Aye, but the above conversation was based on the fact that the ping wad indeed low, and the said person was still lagging. So if its not the computer being a toaster the only conclusion i could make was that something was either wrong with the server or the client having trouble communicating with your computer :-\