Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Shadow99999's Whitelist Application [Approved-Man5791]


Lord of Altera
About me
1) What is your Minecraft username?
2) How old are you?
3) Where are you?
4) Have you read our guides yet?
5) Introduce yourself! (Minimum 5 sentences please!)
6) Got any examples of your work?
7) What other games have you roleplayed in?
8) Where did you find out about Hollowworld?

1. Shadow99999
2. 15
3. America
4. Yes I have read them thoroughly.
5. My name is Joey, I like Minecraft; well that's obvious.
I am a lazy, youtube watching, Tumblr using, Reddit ignoring, son of a gun!
I really don't like to reveal myself much on the internet.
I like to Skype, if ya 'ave it.
Dark Souls is my current favorite game.
6. No, I do not.
7. Mostly Minecraft, I haven't tried in any other game.
8. One of your new members, Minecraft user: Aloctor.

About my character

He is a 6' 1 elven male, with brown hair that goes no farther than his ears.
He wears raggedy clothes, and he smells of rot, mold, and dirt.
And he looks like as he has been through hell and back.

The Test~

Daniel Tuskaal was always a mistreated man. People would spit his way as he asked for a coin or two. He would walk up and down alleys looking for some kind of sustenance. At one point a man he had begged from had attacked him for coming too near. After years of this abuse by the citizens of Ironton, he had cracked after a man named Kris, the local drunk, had screamed, attacked, and stole his favored pocket watch. The watch was mostly broken, but it worked enough so that
he could tell time. The night after Kris had attacked him in the middle of town, Daniel wrapped his hand in some cloth he had ripped off his pants and broke into Kris' home by punching the window out. Quickly grabbing the sharpest piece of glass, Daniel hid as fast as he could. Kris stumbled in, drunk as ever, and started
to take a swig of his ale. Right as the bottle touched his lips, Daniel leaped out of his hiding spot, glass in hand, and jabbed the jagged glass into the back of Kris's skull. Quickly getting up off Kris, Daniel pulled the glass from Kris' skull and started to repeatedly stab into his spine until he
was sure of his death. Realizing what he had done Daniel found he liked this sensation of
taking another man's life.
Thinking he couldn't stay in town anymore at risk of being put down, he used the remaining
alcohol in Kris' drink and a tinderbox to light his home ablaze. Daniel jumped back through the window he'd shattered, looking up to the upstairs window. He saw a little girl, bloody and obviously abused by Kris. He quickly jumped back into the the burning home, running up the stairs, and busted into the girl's room. He immediately grabbed her and made his way back to the stairs, which were engulfed in the flames he had lit. He ran back to the girls room, her still in his arms. Looking for an escape route he heard voices of townsfolk, obviously checking out the fire of Kris' home. Knowing he couldn't let them catch him, he took the only escape he could. He opened the window, stepped back, and DOVE through the window. He clutched onto the little girl, rolling downhill, as they finally come to a stop. "Are you alright?", Daniel asked her. She replied with a quick nod. Knowing she had nothing else, he pulled out his pocket watch.
"Go into town, find the tavern and seek help. Take this, maybe you can get something for it."
Daniel told her. She replied with a swift and gracious "Thank you!", as she ran towards
the town of Ironton. As the citizens fought back the flames, and creatures of the night,
Daniel made toward the ocean stealing the closest boat. He sailed toward the
farthest civilization out there...
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Lord of Altera
When you show me where it says in the forums or anywhere that it says that I cannot climb more than two blocks. Then your ban will be just.
Cause it's not in the plugin guide. And I haven't found it anywhere else.